Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Vice Principal- Learning & Teaching

Success with Explicit Teaching at St Joseph's

Our Journey 

In February 2024, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) introduced a new plan to help every student succeed: the Vision for Instruction. Based on evidence of how students learn best, Vision for Instruction promotes a unified and consistent approach and continuous improvement to meet the changing needs of our students.  It provides MACS teachers with the training and resources to ensure excellence and equity in all our schools.


The introduction of this vision was extremely reaffirming for St Joseph's as we have been on a long journey to embed Explicit teaching strategies for all curriculum areas and year levels across the school. Below is a snapshot of our journey.

And we are seeing great results!

As indicated in the Age Newspaper on February 16th, St Joseph's had the second highest increase in Mathematics proficiencies across ALL schools in the Melbourne diocese (Approximately 350 schools). This is a credit to the ongoing research and design of our learning policies and practises, along with our amazing teachers who have been working hard to build their knowledge and skills to ensure all student learning is explicit and targeted at their needs. 

Most improved schools in year 3 numeracy proficiency 

If you would like to read the full article, it is linked below: 

NAPLAN - 2025

NAPLAN (The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. This is a form of data collected by schools at a point in time to check students' progression in literacy and numeracy. 


NAPLAN testing doesn’t replace ongoing assessments teachers use throughout the year to track student performance. As with all learning assessments, teachers identify students who need an adjustment to how this is delivered or if this assessment is appropriate for their learning abilities or well-being. Our Yr 3 and 5 teachers and our learning team are currently exploring these adjustments. If you are concerned about your child sitting NAPLAN please email leadership at leadership@sjcribpoint.catholic.edu.au.