Principal's Message

Richard Jacques

Dear OLA Families,

We are in Week 6 of the School term and we can not believe how fast these weeks are passing by. Since our last newsletter, we have enjoyed Grade 1-4 Swimming, School Tours for Prep 2026 families, Grade 6 Leadership Day, Hockey Clinics in PE, Parent/Teacher Meetings, District Swimming, pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday Mass, Managing Big Feelings Webinar and Grade 5/6 Interschool Sport. 


Thank you everyone for your support, presence and ability to help create a wonderful community environment. One of our families recently captured this special feeling in the gratitude note:


OLA Primary is a wonderful school, and we are so happy we have joined this amazing community. The teachers have shown incredible leadership, support, and enthusiasm in the time we have been here and continue to drive students each week. We are so lucky to have hard working and caring teachers that will strive to help and encourage our son to reach his potential giving him the confidence which we are so happy to see. 


The school offers fantastic communication, positivity, a sense of belonging and above all a wonderful community environment.  Strong friendships have also formed with students and families, and we couldn't be happier we have chosen OLA for our children's primary school journey. Thank you OLA for providing a safe space, a wonderful learning environment and most of all a happy and welcoming school.

Snapshot of next 2 weeks 

Week 7 
Mon 10 MarchLabor Day Public Holiday
Tues 11 MarchOLA House Cross Country
Wed 12 March9-10am - NAPLAN - Writing
Thurs 13 March6.30-7.30pm - Grade 3 Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop
Fri 14 March9-11am - Interschool Sport
 2.30-3.15pm - Whole School Assembly/ Lenten Prayer Service


Week 8 
Mon 17 MarchSt Patrick's Day - children invited to wear a touch of green
 9-10am - NAPLAN - Conventions of Language
Tues 18 MarchTeeth On Wheels Onsite Visit
 9-10am - NAPLAN - Mathematics
Thurs 20 March9.15-10.15am - School Tour
 6-7pm - School Tour
Fri 21 MarchHarmony Day - children invited to wear a touch of orange
 District Lightning Premiership
 Newsletter Day
 9-11am - Interschool Sport
 2.30-3.15pm - Lenten Prayer Service

SAVE THE DATE: Monday 28 July - Grandparent's and Special Friend's Day - 'G' DAY

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

This week we we acknowledged Shrove Tuesday with pancakes. Shrove Tuesday marks the last day before Lent, traditionally a period of abstinence, associated with clearing your cupboards of goods such as sugar, fats, and eggs. Traditionally, pancakes were eaten on this day to use up these foods before the 40-day fasting season of Lent began. Thank you to our P&F Team for this special treat.


On Wednesday, Ash Wednesday was marked with Mass for the whole school and parish, with the students receiving ashes that were blessed during Mass. We sincerely thank Father Alan for celebrating this occasion with our community. There was not a spare seat in the church! Thank you Caitlan for organising this special Mass.

Welcome Picnic

What a wonderful gathering for our Welcome Picnic last Friday; always such a wonderful evening, held in a stunning setting on the grounds of OLA with great company. These events are an important part of building community and welcoming new families into our School. We are always thankful for the enthusiasm and inclusive support from parents.

It was an extra treat to have our P&F Team selling sausages and drinks as well as providing great music and face painting for some extra fun. Thank you to our wonderful P&F team for organising this event for our families. 



Swimming lessons form an important part of the Physical Education program at OLA and we look forward to offering this opportunity each year for our Grade 1 to Grade 4 students at Mentone Girls' Grammar Aquatic Centre. This intensive swimming program is important in our children's lives especially as Australia is surrounded by water. We strongly encourage families especially with Grade 1/2 students to take up the local 'Learn to Swim' programs to help build water confidence and help children to feel safe in and around water. Thank you to our many parent helpers who helped make this opportunity possible and thank you to our staff for the care and organisation/life skills you have been helping develop in our students at 

Our Preps enjoy a 2 hour Prep Water Safety Program in Term 4 at Mentone Girls' Grammar Aquatic Centre. Students in Grade 5/6 enjoy the Open Water Learning Experience (OWLE) with Surf Life Savers at Camp Wyuna in Queenscliff whilst they are on their Summer Grade 5/6 Camp. This OWLE program creates ‘Everyday Lifesavers’ out of Victorian students, by teaching them practical and engaging water safety, lifesaving and emergency response skills. The OWLE program is designed to empower students to make safe aquatic related decisions while enjoying their local water areas.

School & Parent Partnerships

Recently, our parents had the opportunity to listen to our staff speak during the Parent Information Sessions. In these sessions, staff covered the curriculum content for their specific year level, in addition to lots of general information that staff needed to share i.e. how learning occurs in that particular year level, daily routines, home reading, homework, camps, school uniform etc. It was lovely to speak with so many parents after the sessions, as they commented on how incredibly helpful the evening was, and how impressed they were with the confident and articulate way in which our staff delivered the information. 

Last week, parents met with teachers to discuss how their child has settled into the school year, what they hope for their child in 2025, how their child feels about school, and strengths and areas for growth. While the purpose of these meetings is largely for the parents to share information with the teacher, the families have also been very impressed with how well our teachers know their child socially, emotionally and academically. 

I would like to thank the number of parents who found time to attend these sessions; the working relationship between parents and the child’s classroom teachers needs to be a collaborative partnership. Across both events, the feedback from all has been overwhelmingly positive - highlighting the importance of establishing relationships and expectations in these early weeks of the school year. I thank our staff for their heavy investment in these two critical events for our parent community - their professionalism and preparedness is second to none. 


Spelling Mastery

In 2024, we researched a program called Spelling Mastery for Grades 3-6. We are pleased to inform you that the program has been purchased and is being implemented at OLA in 2025. Spelling Mastery is a research-based, teacher-directed program designed to help students understand the relationship between sounds, word parts, and spelling patterns. The primary goal of teaching spelling is to enable students to transfer accurate spelling to their reading and writing. While spell checkers have their place, it is crucial for students to develop a deep understanding of the structure of the English language. Spelling Mastery incorporates three distinct approaches: phonemic, whole-word, and morphemic.


Phonemic Approach: Students learn the sound-symbol relationships between letters and sounds, which helps them spell using predictable patterns. For example, words like ‘map,’ ‘tap,’ ‘fog,’ and ‘fan.’


Whole-Word Approach: This approach teaches students high frequency words and irregularly spelt words that do not follow predictable patterns. Examples include "answer," "the," and "people."


Morphemic Approach: Students learn that all words are composed of one or more morphographs or word parts. They also learn rules for combining morphographs to form words. For example, the morphograph "re-" means "again" (e.g., repack, return, rerun), and "-est" means "the most" (e.g., lightest, happiest, friendliest). These methods will be integrated into each lesson delivered in class.


We look forward to seeing the progress students make with the Spelling Mastery program.



Our Lady of the Assumption Primary School Advisory Council

It was lovely to have our OSAC Team together for our first meeting of 2025.

School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the school, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.  Please refer to the OSAC tab of this newsletter for feedback on our discussions and direction for 2025.


2025 Wish List

It is this time of year that we ask all in our community to share ideas about what the school could benefit from and we create a ‘Wish List’ of ideas that the Parents and Friends could fundraise towards.  These ideas are generated by staff, parents and students with the P&F Exec working closely with the Principal and Deputy Principal to select a realistic project that is aligned to our School Improvement Plan. We are sorry that swimming pools don't pass this realistic test! Examples of other ideas shared include: Bike Ed Program, Story Dogs, upgrade bike shed, improve adventure playground. Please email your ideas to or or write your idea on the list at the front office.


Attendance and Punctuality: Whom to Contact

A strong sense of routine and consistency is vital for student wellbeing and success. If your child is absent from school, has an appointment, will be arriving late or leaving early, please follow the School’s procedures to ensure their attendance is recorded correctly.


Absences: If your child is absent this must be verified with:

  • phone call (03 9584 9488, option 1 for absence) or 
  • an email to the office and to your child's classroom teacher by 9.00am  

Parents are notified of unexplained student absence by phone call after 9.30am


Late Arrivals: Students arriving after 8.40am must sign in at the Office upon arrival with a reason for why they are late. Where possible, please provide detail to our office and your child's classroom teacher via the email or phone number as outlined above as to why your child is arriving late.


Early Departures: If your child needs to leave early, you must sign your child out at the Office with prior parental permission sent via the email or phone number as outlined above.


Your support in maintaining accurate attendance records ensures the safety and wellbeing of all students.


In the week following the Labour Day Long Weekend, our Grade 3 and 5 students will sit NAPLAN Online. All tests are completed using the school’s Chromebooks, with the exception of Grade 3 Writing, which is handwritten. The Grade 3 and 5 students will complete the following tests:

  • Writing - Wednesday 12th March
  • Reading - Thursday 13th March
  • Conventions of Language - Monday 17th March
  • Numeracy - Tuesday 18th March

Results will be received mid-year and an individual report will be provided to families displaying your child’s achievement.


SSV Nominations             

Each year, talented Victorian School students can trial for a place in the School Sport Victoria (SSV) State team (Team Vic).  Selected students will participate in School Sport Australia Championships. These championships offer gifted and talented students the opportunity to participate in higher levels of sporting competition against students from other Australian States and Territories. Participation in a Team Vic team is self funded.  As a guide, if selected it may cost between $2,000-$3,000 to participate and likely will include uniform, host state levies, flights, transport, accommodation and meals.  Costs will vary depending on the location of the Championship. ​ 


If your child excels in a particular sport, they may be eligible to participate in trials to be selected in the 12&U primary school level team. These trials are only available for those who are elite, multi-talented, fit, and experienced performers in their chosen sport. Students must play competitively outside school and be of an exceptional standard. For example, your child must be playing at the “A Grade” representative level for the relevant sport.   


Team Vic sports include Australian Rules Football, Cricket, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey and Netball. While parents complete the nominations online, you require the support of the Principal and school. Schools may support a maximum of three students per sport. More information is available on the SSV website here.  

School Photos

School Photos are booked for Tuesday 25 March. Please send your child to school in their full summer uniform. Blue ribbons/hair ties for long hair and no make up please! Black leather shoes with navy socks with the uniform too.


Please refer to the PDF below to order individual and/or sibling photos.


School Tours and 2026 Enrolments 

I know we are still enjoying welcoming our new Preps for 2025 but we also are beginning to receive many enrolment enquiries for Prep 2026 and beyond!! We have even hosted our first School Tours with over 30 families joining us! Enrolments for Prep 2026 are now open and we encourage all families who have a Prep child beginning next year to submit their applications ASAP and definitely by the end of Term 1. Please book your school tour online on the school website.  If you are not able to make these tours please know that you are welcome to call Sharan/Maria to make a time that does work for you.

OLA Kinder Flyers

Over the last couple of weeks I have visited local kinders and child care centres to drop off flyers and posters promoting our OLA School Tours and our great community. If your child's kinder or child care centre does not have any flyers please pop into the school office and collect some to take in and display on behalf of our school. Thanks in advance for your support.

2025 School Fees and Levies

We have had many Direct Debit forms completed which we greatly appreciate. For those yet to complete it, please fill in the direct debit form for school fees, and either email to or hand in at the school office ASAP. Please also see below the school's bank details. 


If you would like support with fees and would like to discuss alternate payment plans please make a time to meet with the Principal. 


Please open the ‘Key Dates and Events’ tab in this newsletter for important dates or access the OLA Calendar here.  


Key dates for the coming weeks:

Thurs 13 March - 6.30-7.30pm Grade 3 Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop

Tues 25 March - School Photo Day

Thurs 27 March - 5pm & 7pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

Fri 4 April - 3.15pm - End of Term 1



Monday 28 July - Grandparent's and Special Friend's Day - 'G' DAY

School Term Dates - 2025

Term 1, 2025

Friday 31 January - Friday April 4th (10 weeks)


Term 2, 2025

Tuesday 22nd April - Friday 4th July (11 weeks)


Term 3, 2025

Tuesday 22 July - Friday 19th September (9 weeks) 


Term 4, 2025

Tuesday 7 October - Tuesday 16th December (11 weeks)


District Swimming Championships

Congratulations to the OLA Swimming Squad who represented our school at the recent Cheltenham District Swimming Championships. It was wonderful to have relay teams and individual swims, PBs achieved and ribbons received. Supported by Mrs Arthur and Mrs Thompson,our amazing students shone in the pool and demonstrated amazing sportsmanship and teamwork. Well done, OLA!  Congratulations to Jess who has made it through to Division Championships with a first in 50m Backstroke.


Happy Birthday


We love a good celebration at OLA and we know zero birthdays are extra special. A special mention to Katherine Grima who is celebrating exactly that today and Liz Thompson and Trish O'Gorman who have also celebrated their zero birthdays recently. We hope you have had the opportunity to extend your birthday celebrations and that you both have felt the extra love that comes with a zero birthday.



We ask for your prayers this week for the families of two of our students who have recently experienced bereavements. 

  • We pray for Cleo V (Grade 3/4 EJ) and her family, following the death of their grandfather Adrian (Eleasha's Dad)
  • We pray for Christian R (Grade 3/4EJ) and his family, following the death of their Yiayia Donna (Elena's Mum) 

May the Vranjes and Ricciuti families know of the love of their OLA friends at this very sad time.



We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, we think the extra day off for the students has come at the perfect time. Good luck with the footy tipping and may the 2025 AFL season, which kicks off tonight, be an exciting one! Go Hawks!!


Richard Jacques
