Ulverstone Campus News

Kinder at Leighland Ulverstone Campus

It is always such a huge decision when choosing the right school for your child to learn and flourish in. We know you want the very best for them and so do we. At Leighland Christian School every child is known and valued for who they are and the gifts they have. 

Kinder at our Ulverstone campus promotes: 

  • Curious learners; 
  • Passionate teachers and support staff; 
  • A growth mindset; 
  • A personalised approach; 
  • Opportunities for outdoor, structured and unstructured play; 
  • Belonging, Being and Becoming who God intends them to be. 

If you are undecided about the right Kinder fit for your little one, please book a tour at our Campus so we can showcase our facilities and introduce you to the incredible people who will embrace you and your family as part of our thriving community. 


Book a tour here: 



Watch our kinder video here: https://fb.watch/rQ7oGSxIvl/

Secondary Cross Country 

This week's secondary cross-country event allowed students to showcase their athletic abilities running across beach and grassland terrains. The morale and participation were exceptional, fueled by healthy competition and a supportive community. 


This event highlighted our gratitude for the bodies the Lord has given us, as students demonstrated both physical endurance and school spirit!

Legal Studies Excursion 

In cultivating responsible citizens and engaged community members, last week our high school Legal Studies class went on an excursion to the Burnie Supreme Court. They visited the court room, jury room and holding cells, learning more about the court process.

Year 10 Health Careers Day

On 22 May, 7 Year 10 students were able to attend the Health Careers Day by invitation from the UTAS Rural Clinical School. The program was held at The Mersey Community Hospital in Latrobe. 


The day was a real treat as students participated in interactive activities, and were provided with  useful pathway information. Students expressed their appreciation of being able to attend! One favourite activity was learning how to use a syringe to take blood and everyone got to have a turn! 


It is a positive development that students are once again able to participate in valuable careers initiatives as we emerge from the COVID limitations, and positive programs are becoming available again. 


Leighland Learner Certificates 


Brett H
Sayara W
Leesi de J
Spencer S
Brett H
Sayara W
Leesi de J
Spencer S


Alyssa J
Ella C
Alyssa J
Ella C

Theo S- Resilient 

Agnes W- Resilient 



James F
Hannah M
Lincoln R
Lucas D
Reuben D
Rory M
Joel M
Vace M
Cooper P
Rayel K
Lilly S
Adelyn M
Brooke de J
Joseph N
Georgiana B
Feranmi A
Alexis E
Royce B
James F
Hannah M
Lincoln R
Lucas D
Reuben D
Rory M
Joel M
Vace M
Cooper P
Rayel K
Lilly S
Adelyn M
Brooke de J
Joseph N
Georgiana B
Feranmi A
Alexis E
Royce B

Lucas H - Motivated 



Ethan W
Michael V
Ethan W
Michael V


Nicola A
Nicola A


Year 5/6 Choral Group- Festival of Voices 

Our Year 5/6 Choral Group from Ulverstone Campus are excited to share with our school community that we are off to Hobart at the end of this term to participate in Festival of Voices!!


Each year, the Festival organises a combined schools concert called Young Tasmania Sings and this year we were invited to participate, and we were also chosen to receive a travel grant from Festival organisers.  This is so incredibly exciting for our students as they will be performing with hundreds of other students ranging from Year 5 – Year 8 and we will have the awesome experience of working with world-renowned Children’s Choir Conductor, Mr Anthony Trecek-King.  Anthony was a guest at the Festival a few years ago with his own Choir, the Boston Children’s Chorus, who are absolutely phenomenal.


The grant we have received covers the cost of our transport down to Hobart and back which is really amazing.  However, that still leaves the families of our students the unexpected expense of paying for the remaining costs - accommodation, time away from work for some accompanying parents, all meals, etc.


We are reaching out to our school community to help us fundraise so that nobody has to miss out on this incredible opportunity.  We have some fundraising events planned for later this term, so please keep your eye out for those – we will be most grateful for your support.


We have already had some lovely support from local politician, Gavin Pearce, and more is hopefully on the way from some of our other MPs.  We would also like to invite any families or businesses represented in our school community to support us further by sponsoring our trip with a donation if you feel you would like to.


Thank you everybody!


Sharee Haberle

Music Specialist Teacher


VANUATU Mission Trip

On Thursday 4 July, a school group of 25 students will be travelling to Vanuatu which is a developing country where educational resources are not readily accessible, or are very costly. The result of this is that many people go without the things many of us take for granted. 


The aim of our mission is to serve at three schools in Port Vila to support learning and perform Acts of Service within the school communities. Leighland Christian School developed a mission exchange program with the LifeChanger Christian College in Port Vila prior to COVID- 19 which we are now resuming - this is a very positive development! We will be spending some time each school day there, and will visit two smaller local schools as well.


What we aim to achieve is:

  • Donating education resources for the classroom
  • Provide extra nutrition 
  • Provide health care for students in need
  • Help students to learn English
  • Maintenance of their buildings  
  • Cook hot lunches for students as a treat

We would appreciate your support and contribution of donations of some of the following items to gift the schools. Please consider donated items need to be light for travel purposes:

  • HB pencils 
  • Highlighters
  • Paper clips Plastic sheet protectors (A4 size plastic sleeves) 
  • Rulers
  • Coloured chalk 
  • A4 Coloured paper 
  • Cotton balls 
  • Craft scissors 
  • Crayons
  • Rope and string 
  • Socks for puppets
  • Wool
  • Paper cups 
  • Paper plates

There will be a donation box at the school office for these items, so please think about what you might be able to do.



We will be providing a BBQ and drinks at the MAD (now MADE night) on 26 June.

Money raised will be donated to support nutrition and health clinic supplies for the LifeChanger Christian College ( Vanuatu).


Please note: Photos are from past mission trips in 2017 and 2019.





Birthday Cupcakes at the Canteen

Parents and guardians can now order birthday cupcakes for their child or the child’s classroom on the QKR app. Beautifully decorated in vanilla flavoring. Gluten free and vegan options available also.


Set price of $3.50 per cupcake, orders for the whole classroom only.

QKR App - Canteen Orders

A reminder to families to please update the year level in your Qkr app for your child/ren.  This will assist our Canteen staff to have your child/ren’s orders delivered to the correct class.


Link to the app store here: Qkr!™ on the App Store (apple.com)

For Android, please scan QR code below:


Bikes & Scooters

Dear Parents

Due to safety concerns, we cannot have bikes and scooters being ridden in our car park when cars are present. There have been a few close calls with bikes and cars, and we do not wish for any injuries to occur. 


It’s been lovely to see some children getting active and riding around on bikes and scooters after school, however, please direct your children to ride on safe bike paths and designated areas. 




A reminder to parents and guardians that children are not to be at school before 8.15am each morning please.  Students arriving at school before 8.15am pose a safety and duty of care concern as we do not have staff on duty to supervise until this time.


Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Katrina McNab

Ulverstone Campus Principal