Ulverstone Secondary Student Leaders

This year as a student leader team, we met before the school year had started with some senior staff to plan and talk about what the year ahead would look like. In this space we spend a lot of time in prayer asking God what he wanted our main goals to be, and what we needed to achieve as a team this year. 


The biggest goal we set for this year was to see as many students as possible come to know our God as their own and to find a youth group to connect with. While we as a team are not fully in control of this, we have been doing our very best to share God's love as much as we can. So far, this has looked like running a Wednesday lunch time program called Awaken which opens up a space where students can freely come and worship Jesus through song and through hearing his word. This is often shared by a member of the student leader team or a special guest. 


Another way we strive to share Jesus with our school is by running a worship night once a term; these nights are an overflow of our Awaken services, where we get to spend longer in worship and listening to God's word (plus, there’s snacks)! During both of these worship spaces, we had some incredible speakers share with us such as Pastors Eddie Smith from Life House Youth, Pastor Motu Faaifo from Village Youth, and Pastor Chris Brown from Gateway Church.  We are so thankful for their wisdom, and the inspiration they brought to our school.


Just a couple of weeks ago, we had the honor and privilege of hosting some of the Youth Alive Tas Academy students who came in to promote the Youth Alive Undivided tour which is entirely focused on seeing young people come to know Jesus. We love getting these guys in to promote these events as it greatly assists young people in finding local ministries to be connected into.


Something else we strive for as a team, is to connect on a personal level with students from every grade, and being approachable leaders who make sure nobody is left lonely in our school. We see this outworked by being intentional about getting around students of different grades during recess and lunch in the play areas and showing the love and kindness that Jesus modelled throughout his life. 


Another way we connect with different grades, is by running weekly games that bring together a large number of students from grades 7 through 12 to provide a fun opportunity for everyone to spend time together and, of course, enjoy some dodgeball. We always look forward to these break times, and we cherish the moments when we can unite as one student body, sharing lots of laughs and having a great time.


Looking ahead, we as a student leader team want to continue all these things and hopefully also run a few social nights along the way; stay tuned for details on those. Ultimately, we love seeing what God is doing amongst the students in our school already and can’t wait to see what else he has in store for the Leighland Christian School community this year.



Connor and Shenae, 2024 School Captains.