1/2 News…

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion."
- Robin Williams
In 1/2, we have started our unit on poetry. For the rest of the term, we are exploring different types of poems. We have begun with looking at 5-Sense poetry, and used our senses to create a peom about a colour.
We are currently learning about couplets and haikus.
A haiku is a three-lined poem that uses a very cool structure called '5,7,5', where the first line uses five syllables, the second uses seven syllables, and the final line uses five syllables.
A couplet is a poem that has two lines, and those two lines rhyme with each other. We found that Dr Suess is a big fan of couplets!
We are so excited to keep creating poetry, and look forward to sharing more with you!