It has been a busy few weeks in STEM once again. All classes are currently working on projects that will allow the students to showcase and celebrate their learning for the term.
Junior School - Animal Adaptations
You might not have seen much work being posted on Seesaw lately. This is because every student has been working on giving our green friend Blob a new and improved home to live in. We have looked at different types of habitats for animals, and learnt how animal bodies have adapted to suit those environments. Over the next few weeks, Blob will make his final transformation to become an animal that can survive in the habitat that his caretaker has been given. Maybe he'll be a tiny bug in the garden, a slithering tree snake in the rainforest, or a colossal squid in the ocean?
Middle School - Dash Coding
The 3/4's are using their knowledge of coding with the Dash robots to create a robotic prototype that will solve a problem in the classroom. They are using lego and various recyclables to add attachments to Dash, and will present their design solutions to a panel of peers in the final week of term. Which invention will receive the most Donvale Dollars from the "investors" in our very own episodes of Shark Tank Donvale?
Senior School - Lego Technic Simple Machines
After building, testing and modifying 6 different simple machines that use levers and/or gears to move, the 5/6 students are trying their hand at inventing the next greatest lego toy. Restricted to only the 58 technic pieces in their individual kit, they are making the instructions to build a new simple machine.
The theme of the build is "Play". Their build must be something you could find in a playground, OR a replica of a big machine (e.g. a crane a bike) that a child might like to play with. In the last week of term, each student will have access to the rest of their classes build instructions, so that they can test the toys out for themselves.