Mandarin News


Students in Grades 1 and 2 have learned the Chinese days of the week, which are based on the numbers from 1 to 6, plus a rest day for Sunday. In Chinese, Monday is referred to as the week’s first day, Tuesday as the week’s second day, and so on. However, the last day, Sunday, is not referred to as the week’s seventh day but instead as "the day of the week."

This is why learning numbers is so important when students are learning Chinese. Our smart Grade 1 and 2 students are now learning the ten basic Chinese number characters, whose pronunciations they already learned in previous years.


Since last week, they have been practicing writing the characters for 1 to 10. They can now try writing them from memory on the whiteboard when given random numbers. Afterward, they color Sun Wu Kong, the Monkey King, matching the correct colors by recognising the number of characters.