P & F News 


Upcoming Term 2 Events/Activities: 

Lunch Order Day – Thursday 20th June (Italian Day)

Apple Slinky Fridays – Every 2nd Friday (Terms 2 & 3) beginning Friday 17th May

Loose Change Drive – Concludes Thursday 13th June

P & F Meeting – Tuesday 18th June, 7pm

St. Vinnies Winter Appeal - TBA

Uniform Stall – TBA

Lunch Order Day

In celebration of ITALIAN DAY, students will be given the opportunity to purchase Napoli Pasta and/or Aurora Gelati for lunch. As usual, orders will open on QuickCliq for parents to make food item purchases. Further information for this event coming shortly!

Apple Slinky Fridays

What child doesn’t love a TWISTED SLINKY APPLE! Coming to St. Fidelis for Terms 2 and 3, every 2nd Friday, your child can bring an apple to school and, for a $1 donation, have it transformed into an amazing, edible slinky! 


Thank you to the committed P&F members who continually donate their time to assist. If you are keen on volunteering to help with this event, please email parentsandfriends.stfidelis@gmail.com.

Please see the below flyer for more information.

Loose Change Drive

“Pretty much everyone has a handful of loose change just hanging around at home.  

Why not give those lonely coins a purpose and send them along to school with your child?  Each class competes to see who can raise the most money during Term 2. 

At the end of the drive, the funds are collected for the school and the winning class 

will be awarded with a pizza lunch.”


Children are welcome to contribute as little OR as many COINS as they like, daily OR weekly… There are no rules… so start saving those coins!


Students need to deposit their coins into their allocated ‘classroom money jars’. The last day to add coins in Thursday 13th June, so get those coins in ASAP! Thank you for participating in this event!

2nd Hand Uniform Donations

We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:

  • Are in acceptable condition with no fading, missing logos or stains.
  • Have a school logo or are PSW labelled, therefore no Kmart/Target/etc. purchases.
  • Are in a clean condition.

Please place your items in a bag and hand into the school office to donate. 

Many thanks.

Ritchies IGA

We are now a part of the Ritchies Community Benefit Program and are looking for your support. You can become a Ritchie's loyalty member and nominate St. Fidelis as a beneficiary to receive generous monthly donations. All you need to do is download the Ritchies App or pick up a Ritchies card in-store to register online. Once registered, nominate St. Fidelis as your chosen beneficiary and 0.5% of your purchases from participating stores will be donated to us. Please see the flyers for further information.


  • Trivia Night (adults only) Friday 9th August (Term 3). Further information on this event coming soon!
  • Frittole Making ClassMonday 19th August AND Wednesday 28th August (Term 3). Learn how to make homemade Italian Frittole. $30 per person, limited to 22 people per class. Further information on this event coming soon!
  • Family Fun Night - Saturday 16th November (Term 4). $55 per adult, $30 per child – includes antipasto share plates, pasta and dessert. Drinks NOT INCLUDED! Further information on this event will be released term 3!

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, can provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO – 0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com     

REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194   bterra86@gmail.com