Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 6 Term 2

Dear Parents and Carers,


Family Week is a perfect time to come together to celebrate the power of family relationships in all their diversities, and the importance they play in our lives and community. Family Week is a time to reflect on the vital role our families play in our lives and in our communities. It is a time to celebrate and strengthen family relationships.


This year’s theme is, ‘Building Compassionate Families and Communities’. Families are crucial to our wellbeing. When families are compassionate, healthy, safe, and nurturing, our overall wellbeing improves and that of our wider community.


St Fidelis has celebrated Catholic Care Victoria’s Family Week during May 13 - May 24th by participating in the following activities:

  • Year level Religious Education Classes (May 13th - May24th)
  • Family Walk To School (May 17th)
  • Family Week Mass (May 17th (9:30am )
  • Family Week Assembly (May 24th )
  • Family Sibling Activity (May 24th) 

Special thank you to Fr Lihn, who celebrated Mass for all the students and their families. Thank you to all the parents and children that walked to school last Friday. It was lovely to see so many families and what a great way to promote being active to our children and being together as a family. 

Thank you to the Joson family for donating the apples, bananas and mandarins to all the children and to THEIRCARE for providing the cereal and milk for our healthy breakfast. We are so fortunate to have such generous families and organisations within our school community. 

Year 6 Family Confirmation Faith Workshop

A reminder that all students and their families are required to participate in the Family Confirmation Faith Workshop this Tuesday night (May 21st) at 7:00 pm. A Link has been sent to families via the Audiri app.




Fees have been distributed to all families.

Can you please ensure that your fees are paid before Friday, June 21st 

Thank you to all the families who have paid their fees in full. Our school does rely on school fees for many recurrent costs so prompt payment is appreciated. Thank you to all the families who have paid their fees in full. These are the ways you can pay your fees: 

  • Credit card over the phone or in person
  • Direct Debit using bank details below

Please call the office, and Ann will arrange credit card payment over the phone; alternatively, if you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. Please contact me directly if any families need to discuss alternative payment arrangements.  Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment: 

CDF:  (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT: 65 603 6380
REF: Child's name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO: St. Fidelis Primary School

Have a lovely week,
