
Term 2 in 1/2W
Wow! What a busy term we have had in 1/2W. We have enjoyed engaging in new concepts and working with our friends. Some of the highlights from this term have been students engaging in whole class explicit teaching, fluency pairs where we have worked on building up our reading skills with a partner, attending class masses with our buddies and making new friends. Have a look at some of the concepts we have been working on:
In Literacy, we have been focussing on reading and writing about ‘Health’, students have been learning about how to keep their bodies and minds healthy. We have investigated the different food groups and nutritional value. We created our own healthy food plate drawing pictures to show the items that could be found in each group.
In Maths, through our strand topic we have been focussing on measuring length. We used informal units such as teddies and blocks to measure different objects around the classroom. We then made our own rulers using informal objects. Students had a go at estimating and guessing the length of objects and used rulers to measure correctly.
In Religion, we discussed Pentecost and how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.The Holy Spirit helps us have faith to help others and do acts of kindness in the world. Students created their own Dove as a symbol of Pentecost.
We hope everyone enjoyed reading about our learning as much as we have had fun completing it!