Principal's Report 

Issue No 14 - 22 May 2024

Term 2 - Week 6

Principal’s Report

On 24 May, 2015, Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter on caring for our common home, Laudato Si’. Each year, Laudato Si’ Week gives us an opportunity to renew our commitment to respond to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor. During Laudato Si’ Week 2024 (May 19 – 26), you are encouraged to tap into the ecological wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia and Indigenous Peoples everywhere.  


Within our school community, our students and staff continue to care for our common home through the school based garden project and participation in the Parish Garden.  


To find out more about the St Kilian's Parish Garden visit:


Unit Masses

Last Thursday our Grade 5 unit celebrated mass at St Kilian’s Church and next Thursday the Prep and Grade 6 students will lead the celebration.  Keep an eye out on the newsletter for details on when your child’s mass will be because we LOVE parents and special friends to join us for these masses.


Unit Assemblies

Unit Assemblies will include all aspects of the Monday morning assembly with the addition of the unit presentation before the Principal’s address.  These assemblies will take place in the school hall where students are seated.


Each unit takes a turn presenting at the assembly and performing an item that focuses on the current PBIS focus and appropriate liturgical/national celebrations.

Unit Assemblies (7 in total) will commence in term 2 and will take place at appropriate times throughout the school year.  These assemblies should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.


Unit Assemblies will be advertised on the School newsletter and invitations will be sent from the classroom teachers.

Following the Unit Assembly, the classroom teachers will be available to participate in the St Kilian’s Coffee time with parents and carers until 10 am (leadership will manage classrooms at this time).

The next Unit Assembly will be presented by the Grade 6 unit.


Public Holidays During Term 2

10th June: King’s Birthday


Upcoming Events

Term 2 - Week 7

  • 26th May:   National Sorry Day
  • 27th May:   Reconciliation Week
  • 28th May:   Regional Cross Country
  • 30th May:   Grades P & 6 ( Buddy mass) Unit Mass
  • 31st May:   Reconciliation Mass
  • 1st & 2nd June:   St Kilian’s Parish- Sacrament of Confirmation/Eucharist Mass

Week 8

  • 5th June:   Division Soccer
  • 5th June:   World Environment Day
  • 6th June:   School Advisory Council Meeting

God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney  
