Student of the Week
Congratulations to last weeks award winners:
Week 4
Sebastian T (Foundation) For showing responsibility by participating in our class discussions and trying your best with your learning. Well done Sebastian!
Isabella S (12A) listening attentively to others and trying your best at all times. You have worked hard in all of your learning areas, especially reading. You are a superstar!
Shravan T (12B) you have settled in the school so well and are always demonstrating respect to your peers and teachers by listening and acts of kindness. Keep it up!
Ravan M (34B) Working really productively in English this week. I love how you worked independently to complete your expanded sentence and read about convicts. Keep it up legend!
Sophie S (56A) For returning from a holiday with a great work ethic. You have tried hard to catch up on our class novel, get involved in our maths project and always display a positive attitude towards your learning. I’m really proud of you. Great work, Sophie!
Penny Mc (56B) by always including others and making sure students feel safe and supported inside and outside the classroom. You are a marvel Penny and I hope you know how much 56B appreciate you!
Week 5
(Foundation) No student awards
Jarrah D (12A) Focusing on your learning activities in class. You have made terrific word choices and have included creative ideas in your wiritng. You are a superstar!
Eli W (34A) by trying his Personal Best in our English lessons this week. Eli created two great writing pieces last week, showcasing his imagination and knowledge of the First Fleet. Well done on the super work Eli!
Ryan R (34B) Putting in such a great effort in producing beautiful, neat work this week! I am so impressed by your neatest handwriting that you have done for different displays in the classroom. Keep it up legend!
Oscar B (56B) the way he always completes his tasks and asks for extension work. He always asks for feedback and continuously strives to improve his Maths work by challenging himself at all times!
Week 6
(Foundation) No student awards
Skye (12A) being kind and courteous to everyone around you. You are a friendly class member who always listens to others. You are a super star!
Angus B (34B) By always looking out for your classmates. You always make an effort to make everyone in our class feel included both in the classroom and on the playground. I love how you take care of your peers when they don’t have anyone to work with. Keep it up legend!
Sully B (56A) For being a responsible learner in the classroom. Sully has been listening attentively, asking for assistance when needed and showing great focus while completing tasks. Well done, Sully. Keep up the great effort!
Sienna Mc (56B) by always making sure she is organized for each class, every assembly and all of her other captaincy responsibilities. Sienna is always willing to assist her peers and teachers with jobs and will take time out of her breaks to make sure everything is done! She is an amazing person and the MPS Community are lucky to have her!
Week 7
Bella D (Foundation) for showing respect on Thursday during our Welcome Circle and literacy lesson. It was great to see you joining in and listening to your classmates. Well done Bella!
Memphis C (34B) Having a great attitude towards your learning! I love how you are always eager to share your ideas with the class which are well thought out and valuable to the class. Keep it up legend!
Cooper B-S (56B) for continuously showing respect towards his teachers and peers in every interaction. Cooper is a hardworking and focused person who always tries his pest and is a good friend to everyone at MPS!