Class 3 News


Class 3 Update and Request for Cubby Land

Dear Class 3 Families,


We have been very busy these last few weeks. Our play, “Esther, Star of Persia” is next week, on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June at 3:15pm. 


Last week was Reconciliation Week, which was busy and fun. 


In Main Lesson, we have been measuring the length of things in our world, including ourselves. 

The grains we planted are growing… Right now they look like bright, green grass!

Cubby Land has begun! The children are coming in little groups in play time, carefully building cosy cubbies and little tables! 


If you have any old, little tables, chairs, those square plastic crates or a nice plank of wood, feel free to come and drop them at Cubby Land. Preferably nothing too broken, but well used and cracked is fine:)


Our camp meeting has been pushed to Term 3, Week 2, on Wednesday at 3:15pm. This means we can chat about your child in depth in our one-on-one meeting on the 22nd of July (signup page will be emailed from the office soon) and save all the camp questions for Week 2. 


Have a wonderful end of term and holiday, and see you at the Winter Festival!


