Cassia Transition News


Cassia Winter Lantern Festival 

Dear families,


Cassia Winter Lantern Festival: Friday 14th June 6.15pm

Winter is here! This week in Cassia, we are focusing on our winter lantern festival. We are learning songs, rhymes, playing games and have festival craft to make, including our very own lantern! It is an exciting time of the year; leading up to the wondrous evening that is our Lantern Festival where we walk and sing together under the dark starlit sky. For families new to Cassia, on this special evening, all children and their families come back to school for the occasion. Please put Friday 14th of June in your diaries! An invitation, with all the details, went home last week in your child’s bag. Hopefully you all got your copy. Please also let us know if you can’t make it.

On Wednesday 12th June, the two Cassia classes will be outside on the lawn, singing together from 2.30pm onwards, practicing our festival songs. If you can come a little early on those days for pick up, please come and join us as we sing. Your song sheet was included in your invitation. Bring it along!



Storytelling, bushwalk and Reconciliation Week: In week 7 we celebrated Reconciliation Week and Luis’s Mum, Robyn Liddle came into Cassia and told us all the story of the Yeperenye Caterpillar. It was wonderful to watch the children’s faces as they heard this story and then hear their questions afterwards…..’So those mountains over there are caterpillar’s?’, ‘Where did they come from?’, ‘I know that story, I remember it from when Robyn told us last year!’ amongst many other comments. Ask your child to tell you the story of the Yeperenye Caterpillar and how the Ilperenye stopped them in their tracks!!


Additionally, in Cassia, we are so grateful for this beautiful land at the back of our school, where we can immerse ourselves and have time to notice and be in it on our weekly bushwalks. How wonderful it is to sit on the earth and give thanks before we have our morning tea, and then to play, with not a toy in sight; only what nature provides. We look at bird tracks, we see the little ants building their nest or carrying their food, we marvel at their strength. We notice landmarks, take stock of where we are, see our school from a hill top and take moments of silence to listen to the birds. We notice wild flowers and crystals and cocoons and we are building connection and relationship to the land around us, and carrying it in our hearts.



Blessings upon your winter days,

M’Lis and Felicia