Class 5 News


Ancient Civilizations of the World

Class Five is continuing our journey through the ancient civilizations of the world, and particularly exploring the life and stories of these  cultures. After beginning the year in Ancient India, the class spent some time with Megan in Persia and Mesopotamia. Some amazing inventions came from these cultures, including writing and the wheel. Over the past two weeks, we've been exploring ancient Chinese culture and the amazing epic of the Monkey King. We've discovered the roots of the modern day compass, of gun powder and fireworks, of paper and paper money. We also discovered the engineering feat of the Great Wall. Meanwhile, students are also learning to read encyclopedia articles and summarize information. With an image for inspiration and an article, they're creating their own main lesson pages! Check out these skillful drawings inspired by Ancient China.

During our two weeks of Reconciliation Week, we  have been learning how the Arrernte blend ancient traditions with modern materials. We've been privileged to try our hand at making bush medicine, clap sticks, ininti beads, and damper.


We've also been going on regular bush walks preparing for our camp early next term. Climbing into the ranges everyday brings the Arrernte country to life. With the inspiration of the ranges flushing green after the rains and yeperenye caterpillars feeding on the tar vine in the carpark, the students recalled the creation stories of the ranges. Each drew what those stories mean to them. Here are a few examples.


The rain and green has been a boon to our continued interest in botany, too. Here's a beautiful example of a liverwort we found after the rains on Monday.


I hope everyone is enjoying the weather as much as we are. I look forward to seeing you all at the Winter Festival.


Have a wonderful end of term!

