Principal's Report


A message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends 


What a great fair we had! A beautiful day of socialising, eating and watching our children perform. Many thanks to all parents and friends involved in making the day so perfect. Special thanks to Class Four parents and a big thank you to Brittany and Veronika for all the extra work and worry. We are not sure of the exact profit yet as costs are still coming in however we took in more than usual for the day.  


Winter Solstice Celebration, Winter Festival  

As the days grow shorter, the sun becomes weaker and all growth slows. The mornings are frosty and some days the cold wind blows. During the last week of this term, we will experience the shortest day and longest night of the year and this is the time we like to acknowledge with our Winter Festival celebration. The celebration reminds us of our ability to bring inner light and warmth to the cold mornings and long, dark nights.

Symbolically the sun dies and is reborn as it begins the new journey through the Zodiacal constellations giving us an opportunity to draw within and once again reaffirm intentions for yourself, your loved ones and the world community. 


During our festival, you will see each class present a piece with a feeling of reverence and in the mood of inner light and hope. Each child carries a lantern representing the flame of the inner light and together we generate a warm glow.  You will be invited to join the forming and walking of a large spiral providing a time to reflect on all that has happened since the last winter solstice, what new things have happened in our lives and on what inner progress have we made over the last year.



Dina Fieck