Level 5 & 6 Wonga Weekly

Week 8, Term 2


This week, students will be completing a range of assessments which rely on iPads to be brought to school  fully charged everyday. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in helping your child to remember to charge their iPad each night and pop it in their bag each morning. Even if your child's iPad is not fully charged/not charged, please bring it to school anyway.



In Literacy this week, we are continuing with the texts Black Cockatoo and Us Mob Walawarru as the basis for a novel study.


Grade 6's will be planning and writing a factual recount that incorporates subordinating conjunctions and complex sentences that include dependent and independent clauses.


Grade 5's will be drawing on their exploration of the descriptions, illustrations, actions and language of Mia, the main character from Black Cockatoo to write a character analysis. We will be furthering our understanding of conjunctions and writing topic and concluding sentences.


What you can do at home

Help your child to set aside time to read - preferably every night. This will help them build important learning habits. Your child now has access to Reading Eggspress, to help with adding variety to their range of text choices.



In Numeracy this week, we will begin exploring statistics by examining, interpreting and creating different representations of data sets, such as graphs and tables. This will involve analysing results of data collections to make informed judgements about the data presented.


What you can do at home

Students have access to set multiplication and division questions on Mathletics. Please encourage them to achieve 1000 points each week.



In CBL, students will continue working in mixed groups across the level to answer the Challenge 'Promote and  Wurundjeri culture, now more than ever'.



- Mathletics - minimum 1000 points from the work that has been set or 20 minutes 3 to 4 times a week.

- Reading 20 minutes per night, 4 times a week (Reading Eggspress is available)

- Recording events in their student diaries



Our final session at Clifford Park will be held on Monday 24th June. Parents will need to make their own arrangements for transport to and from Clifford Park, we are unable to offer transport through teacher vehicles on this day.



Your child should have now received an information page and login details which will set them up to participate in the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge.  Every child in the school has been registered but participation is optional. If you would like to participate, follow the steps outlined to enter the books read. 



For those parents wishing to volunteer for any activity in and around school, such as Athletics next term, but who have yet to complete their 'Childsafe Volunteer Training Session' an additional session will be held online tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday 4/6) at 5.15pm. The link and meeting number below will get you in to the training session, which will be run by Adele Brice.


Childsafe Volunteer Training Session-


Meeting number: 2653 898



It is important to let your child’s classroom teacher know of any problems/concerns that your child may share with you about their time at school. Please alert the school (classroom teacher) about the problem as soon as possible, allowing school staff to work through it, rather than trying to solve it yourself or with other parents.




🌱 Monday the 3rd June - Adolescent Health Day 2

🌱 Tuesday the 4th June - Childsafe Volunteer Training Session from 5:15pm

🌱 Friday the 7th June - Inter School Sports (vs. Warranwood PS)

🌱 Friday the 7th June - Currawong Bush Park Excursion

🌱 Monday the 10th June - King's Birthday Public Holiday

🌱 Wednesday the 26th June - Curriculum Day