Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 8, Term 2


As we approach the end of term and reporting time, students will participate in a range of assessments. Please ensure your child brings a fully charged iPad and headphones to school every day.


📚 Literacy

This week in Phonics we are exploring the or sound (ore as in snore, oar as in roar, augh as in naughty). 


Students will explore figurative language through the text 'My Blue is Happy' and will build their understanding of similes, metaphors and personification. They will continue to use their own prior knowledge and information from the text to infer meaning that is not directly stated.


What you can do at home

Help your child to set aside time to read - preferably every night. This will help them build important learning habits. Your child now has access to Reading Eggspress, to help with adding variety to their range of text choices. 'Stolen Girl' is available to read through your child's Reading Eggspress Library. You may like to read and discuss this with them.


🎲 Maths

We will continue our learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Students will manipulate 2D shapes to create new shapes by splitting and combining them. We will also be investigating 3D shapes and their properties.


What you can do at home

Talk about and count vertices (corners) edges, and faces of 2D and 3D shapes. Notice and name 2D and 3D shapes in your environment, especially more challenging shapes such as rhombus, trapezium, prisms and pyramids.


Grade Three and Four Recipe Book 

Our recipe books have now been printed and been sent home. It is not too late to purchase your copy - they are now available at the office.



Your child should have now received an information page and login details which will set them up to participate in the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge.  Every child in the school has been registered but participation is optional. If you would like to participate, follow the steps outlined to enter the books read. 




For those parents wishing to volunteer for any activity in and around school, such as Athletics next term, but who have yet to complete their 'Childsafe Volunteer Training Session' an additional session will be held online tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday 4/6) at 5.15pm. The link and meeting number below will get you in to the training session, which will be run by Adele Brice.


Childsafe Volunteer Training Session-


Meeting number: 2653 898



It is important to let your child’s classroom teacher know of any problems/concerns that your child may share with you about their time at school. Please alert the school (classroom teacher) about the problem as soon as possible, allowing school staff to work through it, rather than trying to solve it yourself or with other parents.


 📆 Dates to Remember

  • 4th June - Maroondah Division Cross Country at Yarra Glen for selected students
  • 10th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday
  • 15th June - Working Bee
  • 17th-28th June - Dental Van Visit: Smile Squad
  • 26th June - Curriculum Day
  • 28th June - last day of term, finish at 2.30pm