Wellbeing - Middle School

Why do we need our boys to be accountable?

I have many interactions with students on a daily basis. Holding students accountable for their actions is so important during formative middle school years. Accountability not only benefits students but also contributes to the overall culture of our College. Some reasons I have included below.


Fosters responsibility:

Holding students accountable instils a sense of responsibility within them. Boys’ education speaks of that actions lead to consequences. So, when our boys understand that their actions have consequences, they are more likely to take ownership of their actions and in turn engagement levels at school. 


Preparing for the real world:

In the real world, accountability is a fundamental aspect of longevity and success. Holding students accountable during their educational journey equips them with the tools to navigate challenges and take ownership of their goals. Once they leave school, they will enter the workforce, engage in future personal relationships and accountability is a driving force behind achievement.


Enhances the teacher student relationship: 

We need to always ensure a collaborative relationship exists between educators and students. When students know that educators expect them to meet our high expectations, they are more likely to foster that relational trust that I have written about previously. This will allow them to seek guidance, ask questions, and actively participate in the learning process.


Many boys at this age don’t know what accountability is. Model it to them. They learn what they see and hear. First, we are accountable to show the right behaviour in front of them and then expect the same from them. Ultimately, please encourage and teach your sons that accountability is a lifelong skill. If we, in our partnership, can continue to foster accountability within your sons - that is, specifically the ownership of their actions, setting measurable and achievable goals, there will be a level of resilience and integrity that are crucial in the long term as they leave our College gates once they graduate. 


Alexandros Sinadinos

Director of Middle School