Faith, Justice and Formation

Identity in Term 2

There is certainly a lot going on this term in the faith, formation and justice life of the College. It is great to see many families at Friday morning Masses. This week is Hickey House Mass so please join us at 8:10 AM in the Chapel. Last Wednesday all of Year 5 went on their Belonging Day and had a great time. It focused on the stories of Jesus, Blessed Edmund Rice and themselves, as the day was centred on the Touchstone of Gospel Spirituality. I thank all staff and the Year 12 helpers for facilitating the day.

This Friday’s assembly sees the launch of the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan on Breen Oval and follow up in our Pastoral Care Lessons – it will be a great celebration of culture which we will share in next week’s Especean. In conjunction with this we had a wonderful Reconciliation Round of Co-curricular on the weekend. 

Thank-you for the support of this and well done to all the boys who showed genuine care and commitment. We also dedicated our Parent Forum last week to Reconciliation and were blessed to hear from Blake Griffiths from CBHS Lewisham about his personal journey as a First Nations man.

Today and tomorrow, we are collecting for the Winter Appeal. Thank-you so much for supporting us with this. We won’t, however, be able to take donations next week as all deliveries will already be made. I thank in advance the parent helpers from Parent SOL who will be making the deliveries for us. If anybody else would like to volunteer just send me an email –


During the week boys were able to collect a note about the Annual SPC Winter Sleep Out. If they missed out, they can access one on their CANVAS page. If they got one, please use it and do not waste paper by printing another. I have handed these out early to allow people time to get organised. As per the instructions in the letter, application forms can only be submitted from Recess on Friday 21 June and no later than Wednesday 26 June. Please do not send them in now. It is a matter of equity and organisation. Thank-you again for your support. It is wonderful to see so many enthusiastic students.


Next Friday the staff and students will celebrate Founder’s Day commencing with Mass in the Gym. It will be a wonderful occasion to recognise the Christian Brothers present and to remember the legacy we have been left to carry on. It is the pinnacle of our year at the College, our most significant day. I have no doubt it will be beautiful!


So much more is going on and for this I say thank you to all involved. All of this speaks to the heart of the College and is important to be maintained, celebrated, cherished and connected to. Ours is the way of Edmund, so may we continue to ‘live Jesus in our hearts, forever.’


Gillian Daley

Director of Identity