Cyber Safety at COHR 

CyberSafety @  COHR

COHR is an eSmart School and our Year 5\6 students are able to access the eSmart Digital Licence+.  This term the students will begin working through the  modules and complete a different module each term for the rest of the year.

What is eSmart Digital Licence+? 

eSmart Digital Licence+ (DL+) is an innovative, online learning experience that helps build digital intelligence in students aged 10-14 years, giving them the knowledge and skills needed to harness the opportunities, as well as deal with the challenges, of the digital world.

Self Regulation - Traversing the tightrope of technology (age 10-12) Students understand the importance of balancing their technology use with other things in their life and know how to achieve balance through cognitive self-regulation and the application of strategies.

Kindness - The best offence is kindness (age 10-12) Students understand the many types of cyber risks (e.g. cyberbullying) and how kindness can be practiced to help create a positive and supportive online community. Students know the strategies to deal with cyber risks as they encounter them, and know how to behave like an upstander to help others.

Vigilance - Building your shield (age 10-12) Students understand the attributes or ‘red flags’ of a cyber threat (particularly phishing scams), and know the strategies to identify, deal with, report and remain vigilant to cyber threats.

Empathy - Having a digital heart (age 10-12) Students understand what empathy is and why it is important. Students learn about the challenge of online disinhibition and the strategies to demonstrate empathy online.