Enrolments for 

2025 & 2026

Wominjeka! Welcome! 

Enrolments for 2025 are now well and truly open and we have been experiencing more interest than in recent years, which is pleasing as it is always great to be showing off our school with its large modern classrooms and open spaces. More information is available on the COHR Website.

Existing Families

Collect a pack - Return by end of Term 2

If you are an existing family that would like to enrol their child, who is turning 5 by the end of April 2025, please contact the Office to collect a COHR Enrolment Form Pack. All the information you need  for enrolment is in there. If you wish to discuss your child's enrolment please contact the Office to set up an interview with Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal).

New Families

Book a Tour - Visit on an Open Day - Collect an Information Pack  - Return the Enrolment Forms

For new families it has been wonderful sharing our wonderful school on the school tours. Without exception people walk into our Courtyard and are amazed by our space. So many are families returning over generations, so excited to see our modern learning spaces and resources. One of the biggest delights during the tours is how warmly and politely our students and staff welcome these visitors. 


If you know of anyone who is looking for a school for their child in 2025 or 2026, please ask them to make contact with the Office to arrange a visit and tour with Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal).

Engaging With the Community

St John's Kindergarten - 3Bees Early Learning Centre - Guardian ELC

If your child attends St John's Kinder, Guardian ELC or 3Bees Early Learning Centre, look out for our visiting Year 5 & 6s, coming along to share a story.


We are also making arrangements for the kinder kids to come and visit COHR and share a story, paint a picture, perform a science experiment!


Pre-school Music Time & Storytime

We also have our own sessions to which all preschoolers are welcome. The more often children visit their future 'big school', the more easily they will generally transition into Prep. Even when a sibling is at the school, these sessions are an ideal time for future students to claim the school as their own!


Our Pre-school Music Times and Storytimes are held on a variety of days and times as we realise that each family has its own unique schedule and we would like as many families as possible to avail themselves of these opportunities. Each of these sessions is for approximately 30mins.


Our next Music Time is next Friday 31st May at 11:45am and our next Storytime is on Tuesday 18th June at 2:45pm. Please come along!