First Eucharist

On Monday our Year 4 students, including those preparing to celebrate their First Eucharist, gathered to pray and learn about the Eucharist at their Eucharist Reflection Day.  It was a wonderful day and our students certainly took this opportunity to learn more about this most special step on their faith journey.


Eucharist is one of three Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. As it was the parents who brought their child forward for Baptism, it is so important that families are a central part of our students' preparation for Eucharist. Unlike the other two Sacraments of Initiation, the Eucharist can be received multiple times. "The Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life. It is a way we celebrate our faith with others in the Mass, a way we feed our faith through the receiving of the Body of Christ and a way we are led to live a 'Eucharistic Life' by taking the message of Jesus' love to all that we meet.


The Eucharist Reflection Day began and finished with prayer and I have included the final prayer of the day. Please pray for our children, that the Eucharist may truly be an opportunity for they and their families to grow closer to Jesus.


Our Final Prayer

Today we are preparing for the celebration of our First Eucharist 

where we will be able to fully participate in the Eucharist for the first time. 

Let’s remember we are the Body of Christ.

Today we have thought about all the people we can pray for.

Today we have prayed a labyrinth prayer where we placed Jesus in the centre of all that we do.

Today we made a picture to decorate our family’s pew for our First Eucharist Mass, to show that it will be special celebrations with our families.

Today we shared the story of the Last Supper, when Jesus shared the bread and win as His body and blood.


Today let us gather in prayer;

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians

The blessing-cup that we bless is a communion with the blood of Christ, and the bread that we break is a communion with the body of Christ. The fact that there is only one loaf means that, though there are many of us, we form a single body because we all have a share in this one loaf.

The Word of the Lord


Let us pray to Jesus to help us to follow his example and serve others

We pray for all of us here. 

May we follow Jesus’ example and try to love one another.

Lord hear us

We pray that the children making their First Communion, 

come to love Jesus more fully.

Lord hear us

We pray that the world may be full of people who strive to serve others

Lord hear us

Together let us remember that Jesus taught us how to pray to God our Father.

Let us ask for God’s help and guidance at this special time in our faith journey.


Together let us pray the Our Father...


Let us now pause to ask Jesus’ help for us to become better followers of Him.

Before we finish today let us turn to those around us and offer each other a sign of peace.


We gathered today 

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
