Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Even though it is still Autumn, winter has certainly struck and students are looking fantastic in our COHR winter unforms. As a school, as we transition to the the blue pants and navy check tunic, it is fine for students to still be wearing the grey pants or tunic, as we understand families still have these in the right sizes for their children.


As well as PSW, our official uniform provider, a reminder that our Second Hand Uniform Shop is onsite and open everyday, with every item only $2. Donations are also very welcome to help boost the stock and can be left in the tubs in the Uniform Shop.

Mother's Day @ COHR

The day after our last newsletter, we celebrated our Mother's Day Breakfast. What an amazing community event it was. Over 200 people in the Hall with 23 Dads cooking, serving and clearing up. It is these sorts of celebrations that makes COHR so special, such a wonderful community, that it a privilege for us to be a part of.

Following the Breakfast we held our Mother's Day Assembly including such a wonderful presentation by our Preps, that we all thoroughly enjoyed. After only 13 weeks at school it was a great effort and we are all so proud of what they have achieved so far, and can't wait to see what the future holds for them all!

The Assembly also included our 21 prize Mother's Day Raffle.! Thanks again to Alicia Michael for all her organisation, a mighty effort from which we all benefited.

Our final Mother's Day event of the day, was the cake raffle. The cake is this page's feature picture. A cake that befitted a wonderful week of celebration. Thanks Jasmine Kakavas for sharing your talents with us.


Please see the enrolments page in this newsletter for more information and do please spread the word to those you meet, that enrolments are open and all are welcome to book a tour or come along on an Open Day. 


So often we hear from new families, that they learnt about COHR, through the recommendations of our current families. So please spread the word and invite prospective families to contact the school to book a tour or come on an Open Day.

Planning for Semester 2

Staff are currently in the midst of planning ahead for teaching and learning that will take place in Semester 2.  Each semester, an overarching concept is chosen as a lens for inquiry learning across the school.

In Semester 2 2024, our whole school Inquiry concept will be ADAPTATION.


Within the next few weeks, we will collate information around students’ prior knowledge, ideas and wonderings about the concept of ADAPTATION.   Utilising this information during our planning phase ensures that we are able to incorporate Student Voice as we design engaging learning experiences and units of work.


We would also love to hear parents’ perspectives too.  The attached optional survey should only take a couple of minutes to complete.  Click on this LINK and let us know what you think about ADAPTATION.

Seasons For Growth

Thank you to those families who have let us know that they would like their child to participate in the Seasons for Growth program. This is a last call out for anyone who may be thinking their child may benefit from this program.


Seasons for Growth strengthens the emotional and mental wellbeing of children and young people who are adapting to experiences of change, loss and grief in their lives, such as following death, separation and divorce. The program is evidence-based and uses the imagery of the seasons to describe and understand the experience of change, loss and grief. 


Kim Goddard has been trained to facilitate small groups where participants support and learn from each other in age appropriate and engaging activities. Participants learn that change and loss are a natural part of life and that they are not alone in dealing with the effects of these experiences. They also learn communication, decision making and problem-solving skills to support them to adapt to their new circumstances. 


Please contact Kim or Jo if you require further information or wish to enrol your child into this program. For more information we have attached an information flyer.


Cyber Safety

Recently we had a Cyber Safety issue with some of Year 5/6 students. Once we were alerted, even though the incident was not during school time, we took action to alert all parents in the level and to address the issue with the students. Developing their skills in making good choices when being online whilst being a positive online citizen.


We are very aware of the need to keep our students safe in all areas of their lives, and our Cyber Safety programs at COHR from Prep - Year 6 really do focus on this. To support us to do this we have the partnership with the company Inform & Empower. Most of our newsletters include a Cyber Safety at COHR page. Please do take the time to read these and the fantastic parent tip sheets provided by Inform & Empower to support you in this area with your children.


National Reconciliation Week

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, “Now More Than Ever”, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.


A few key messages for our children

Respect: Teach children to respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, and histories.

Understanding: Help them understand the importance of acknowledging past injustices and the ongoing impact on Indigenous communities.Involvement: 

Encourage active participation in reconciliation activities and discussions at school and in the community.


By actively participating in National Reconciliation Week, you can help foster an environment that values inclusivity, understanding, and respect for all cultures, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This involvement not only supports the school's efforts but also sets a positive example for children on the importance of reconciliation. 


Keep safe and keep warm, 



Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal) &

Brian Martin (Lead Principal)