Night at the Museum (Year 7F-7Z)

by Mr. Brenton Millott, Learning Leader: Pedagogy and Assessment

This year, BHHS introduced a new inquiry unit into its Year 7 History Curriculum. Students were provided the question: “What would life be like in Ancient Times”, and analysed this inquiry question by investigating a chosen society and topic of investigation. 


Our students then curated museum displays, and on 20th May, showcased their hard work from across Term 2. This showcase included composing a research-based poster, a recreation of a primary source, and a didactic panel about that source.  


Parents and our school community toured our rooms which were converted to museums for the evening and were showcased work about our ancient societies. From Ancient Egyptian social structure, Ancient Roman daily life, Ancient Indian fashion to Ancient Chinese warfare and Ancient Greek mythology, we were taken back in time to imagine what life could have been like in ancient times. 


Students even prepared QR codes which directed parents to prepared questions which they were more than eager to answer about their artefact and society. A highlight for many students was to showcase their work to their parents, and inviting parents into their classrooms to see where they work!  


This approach has been part of our school focus of providing more students with more voice and agency in their schoolwork across Humanities subjects. In History, we have endeavoured to “make history come alive,” taking students to the Melbourne Museum Bunjilaka First Nation unit and giving students autonomy and choice through this Night at the Museum unit. We cannot wait to meet students in 7A to 7E for Semester 2 to provide them with the same amazing experiences!    


A big thank you to our Year 7 History team (Ms. Templeman, Mr. Jenner, Ms. Kim and Ms. Frackowski) for making this unit come to life, and the biggest thank you to our parents and families for supporting children through the unit, especially the arts and crafting that was happening in the final weekend!