Junior School student reflections

Highlights of Term 2 (Year 7)
By Mingtong, 7E
Term 2 was an exciting term for Year 7s. On the second week back from the holidays, Open Afternoon at Box Hill High was available for families. The afternoon tour guides from Year 7 were guiding families through the school and did an amazing job covering the school during the period of time.
Production was also an enjoyable part of Term 2 as students performed the musical “Urinetown”. Soon after in May, athletics was happening. Lots of Year 7s dressed up in their house colours and one group even won the fashion parade. On the day, students performed extremely well trying out new sports and activities as well as mastering others.
The very next week, Year 7s watched and listened to the UR Strong incursion in the hall. The presentation was supportive and taught valuable lessons from positive relationships to friendships, using many wonderful stories.
As the term stepped into the middle of May, the classes from 7F-7Z had a chance to show off their models and information of historical objects/buildings to families. The presentation "Night at the Museum" was made up from a lot of hard work from the year 7s.
That week, class captains from Year 7 got chances to learn about public speaking for two periods. The workshop was taught by Year 12s as the Year 7 students wrote their own speeches and got a chance to present and debate.
As we are approaching the end of Term 2, the next semester will be the change of subjects and teachers to help decide choosing subjects in the future.
Highlights of Term 2 (Year 8)
By Alex H (8I) and Hamish R (8H)
As Term 2 of Year 8 is almost finished and school holidays are just on the horizon it is a great time to look back and reflect on the highlights of the term, so let's kick it off with the Athletics Carnival. On the 9th May we all made our way down to the Box Hill Athletics Track where students could enjoy a sporting frenzy of track and field events from running to jumping, with success filling the air.
Earlier this term in week three, we had our production of Urinetown by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis, which was a hit with the Box Hill High School community, with four days of musical madness adoring the hearts of viewers.
A highlight of the term for a lot of people was the German excursion to the Queen Victoria Market where we got to explore all the shops, learn about different cuisines and try some of the delicious food from all around the world.
The last major event which happened in Term 2 was the show, Sticks and Stones, brought to you by Brainstorm Productions. It was here where the cohort of Year 8 was educated about how events and people in our lives can lead us to do things such as bullying or manipulation; as well as offer solutions to prevent bullying.
All throughout the term we had many students representing BHHS in interschool sports, including netball, soccer, football and badminton, with some of our teams even making it through to the Eastern Metropolitan Region.
This term of Year 8 was packed full of fun activities ranging from athletics to interschool sports, incursions to excursions and musicals to productions. We hope you have a great rest of term and enjoy the restful holidays!