Year 12 Formal

by Ms. Arabella Thompson, Year 12 Coordinator

The Year 12 Formal came at the perfect time for our Class of 2024, right in the middle of Term 2, when they needed a time to relax and enjoy themselves. There were over 220 

 students who attended the Formal, as well as over 30 staff members who wanted to celebrate the night with this incredible group of students.  


Throughout the night, we ate great food, celebrated students' individuality with many awards, heard speeches from our School Captains and danced the night away. A highlight of the night was watching a video that the students had made, interviewing all Year 12 students discussing their time at Box Hill High School, as well as many of their teachers reminiscing on their own Formal (many years ago!). 


How our Vice-Captain, Tiyahni D, found the night: 

Our Year 12 Formal was such a special and memorable night. It was so nice seeing everyone dressed up, dancing and looking amazing! I really enjoyed spending the night with our cohort and teachers and seeing everyone genuinely enjoying themselves. It was wonderful to see the cohort come together and celebrate our final year together! 

 The students will hold this memory close to their hearts, and it will help them get through those tough times in Year 12! 


See below for a few beautiful pics of our students' special night. Thank you to HM Photos for taking these superb photos!


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