Dear Parents,
Mrs White is currently unwell and has been unable to be at school. During her absence, I will relieve as Principal and Mrs Lee as Deputy Principal.
We are all sending Mrs White lots of get well wishes and hope it isn't long before she is back on her feet and back at school.
What a stunning morning we had last Friday, celebrating all our mums and significant people in our lives. Thank you for the wonderful work and effort our P&C put into organising the Mother's Day breakfast and stall. We truly appreciate their dedication to making these events a success.
Our cricket team played Milthorpe today in Round 3 of the PSSA Knockout. Mr Thackray has reported:
"The team batted first and scored 112 runs. Everyone contributed, and 112 was a very competitive total. Milthorpe batted 2nd and scored 99 runs. We bowled exceptionally well with some very tight bowling. It was an outstanding effort by the whole team in the field, and we move on to round 4 against Orange Public School."
Congratulations on a fantastic game, and thank you, Mr Thackray, for coaching the team.
SRC Term 2 Representatives
Congratulations to our Term 2 SRC Representatives. We look forward to working with you this term.
Support Elliot Gregory and Oscar Naylor
2I Jemimah Lyle
2/3F Huw Williams
2S Isabella Wootton
3/4B Billy Manley
3/4S Hamish Webster
3/4W Jai Dunham
4/5D Lilly Guihot
5/6A Harvey Glasgow
5/6B Heidi Lyle
5/6L Alex Sverdloff
5/6T Enaya Ifsah
Our District Cross Country took place last Friday. Thank you to Mrs Francis and Mrs Burns for organising the day and to Ms Lloyd, Mrs White and Mr Summerson for your assistance on the day. Congratulations to all our students for their outstanding effort and for representing our school at this high level.
8/9 years: Jax B 4th, and Will S 6th.
10-years: Lilly G 2nd, and Sophie M 5th
11-years: Max N 5th, Cruz F 6th, and Heidi L placed 6th for the girls.
12/13 years: Elena N 4th, Alexis H 5th and Cooper J. placed 6th in the boys.
Congratulations to the 10 students from Bathurst Public School who finished in the Top 6 places. These students are moving on to compete at the Western Cross Country Carnival in Orange next month.
Term 1 Attendance Data
Our Term 1 attendance data shows that although we are tracking above the State and our Network, our attendance rate is 2% lower than the same time last year.
This term, we will be working to improve both our attendance and unexplained attendance rates.
We appreciate parents explaining absences quickly, which can be done easily through the parent portal app. Just a reminder, students who are away for more than two days will require a medical certificate.
If any parent has concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sharon Cafe
Relieving Principal