Athletics Carnival Report

Athletics Day occurred on Friday Week 7 and though the weather hinted at a cloudy day, the school was very fortunate to see clear skies! We had multiple events throughout the day with students participating in all sorts of activities from testing their speed and endurance to determining who was the most powerful with the steel in hand.


House spirit was on full display with Dantum, Thara, Djurt Djurt, Koruk Guro having multiple representatives in every event.  Students represented their houses well, as the crowds were filled with our four main colours of Blue, Green, Red, Yellow with some going the extra mile presenting extraordinary and unique costumes.


We would like to congratulate all competitors who participated in the event and wish all winners the best of luck as they continue onto the next round! Another massive congratulations to all houses who put on quite the show. After a hard fought competition we are very pleased to announce that Dantum have come out victorious.


We hope everyone had a tremendous time and we can't wait to see you all next year!


Final Standings

  1. Dantum        = 2172 points
  2. Thara             = 1786 points
  3. Djurt Djurt    = 1739 points
  4. Koruk Guro   = 1618 points