Principal's Report
By Kristy Herridge
Principal's Report
By Kristy Herridge
Semester One Celebration
Congratulations to the Staughton community on a terrific Semester One! A great thing about our Staughton family is the way we work in partnership to provide platform for the future success of our young people. I would like to celebrate this in a number of ways in my last report for the semester.
Celebrating Parents and Carers
Parenting teenage children is very rewarding but can also be a challenge! I would like to celebrate all of our parents and carers who make sure our students largely arrive at school, on time, in uniform and ready to learn. This is sometimes not an easy job. We appreciate the hard work that you do to get students to school ready to learn. We also value your support in encouraging our students to keep persevering with their study and homework at home. This has been particularly important recently as students were being signed off in their Semester One subjects. An indication of how we work together has been the strong attendance at our parent teacher student conference events. I thank you for your attendance at these events so far and encourage you to attend the next parent teacher student conference on August 12. Finally, I would also like to particularly thank the parents on our School Council led by School Council President Daryl Partridge.
Celebrating the Staughton Staff
Another group of people I would like to celebrate are the Staughton staff. Teaching teenage children can also be a challenge! I am very proud of the effort, perseverance and success of our staff at Staughton. I am also pleased to see the many positive relationships between our staff, students and parents. We are passionate about ensuring students demonstrate learning growth, often holding extra sessions to ensure students continue to learn and improve. Our staff commitment to extra-curricular activities is also outstanding. They spend many extra hours creating opportunities for students to be connected with their passions and interests. I would like to celebrate the hard work of our staff.
Celebrating our students
Lastly, but not least I would like to congratulate the students on their efforts. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role is to celebrate student success inside and outside of the classroom. I enjoy spending time with our students talking to them about their passions and dreams, and what they have to do to achieve them. In all areas of the school it is important to remember that this success is always built on hard work and effort. I am proud of the way that our students embody our motto of Try, Persevere and Achieve