Deutsche Ecke

R-5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Lehrer brauchen für ihre Arbeit Inspiration

Teachers need inspiration for their work


One of the most exciting parts of teaching a language is the process around creating resources. Often we are guided by particular events during the year – Ostern, Weihnachten, St.Martinstag, die Olympische Spiele. Other times we draw inspiration from German popular culture or history. Currently being taught to our Year 3,4 and 6 students, our Kleiner Hai (Small Shark) unit was inspired by YouTube sensation, Alemuel, a German girl who performed her rather peculiar version of the song ‘Baby Shark’ at a party in an armchair, scoring 24.3 million views. Kleiner Hai is proving popular with our students, and has been a rich resource for teaching adjectives, third person verb conjugation and German phonics. 


Currently being taught to our Year 4/5 and 5s, our Einwanderung (Migration) unit draws on rich resource, Die Reise mit Auswanderern von Altona nach Port Adelaide, Süd-Australien 1838 (Emigrants to Hahndorf A Remarkable Journey: Captain Hahn of the ‘Zebra’ 1838). The diary has been an inspiration for exploring language around home and ancestry, focusing on expressions such as Ich komme aus… Ich wohne in… Ich fahre nach… Meine Vorfahren kommen aus… and Ich spreche. We also found the most wonderful episode of Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors? This episode traces the journey of young German Lutheran, Thekla Staude, all the way to Hahndorf, and tells students about her life growing produce and making butter to sell in Adelaide. Thekla would walk the trail (now known as the Pioneer Woman’s trail) 23km to Adelaide to sell produce. Imagine that! 


We are always looking for inspiration and sometimes it is even our students who provide it. Check out this rap about Barbaras Rhabarberbar (Barbara’s Rhubard Bar!) spotted by a Year 6 student on Tik Tok! I wonder if we could make a unit from this?!! Bleiben Sie dran! 



Frau Chesterman and Frau Edwards