School News 


LNPS Mother's Day Breakfast 

We hope all of our amazing LNPS mothers had a beautiful Mother's Day.


We are so thankful to all the community members who came to celebrate the special women in their lives by joining us at our Mother's Day Breakfast on Friday morning. We had nearly 150 family members come out and it was so great to see!


It was a fantastic event and we hope all the mums left feeling loved and acknowledged.

A special thanks to our amazing community members who volunteered at the event and enabled everyone to be catered for! We couldn't do these events without your selfless efforts


Special thanks are extended to the Community Engagement Committee and the Governing Council for making the event possible, with a particular acknowledgment to Lauren Robertson for her outstanding organisational efforts.


Addie Milne - Co-chair Community Engagement Committee/Deputy chair Governing Council.


Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June 2024 

@ SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre, 443 Morphett Road, Oaklands Park, SA 5046.


This term R-5 students will be attending swimming lessons as a vital part of the Swimming and Water Safety Program. 


Families have already received the information (via child) about swimming and invoices (via email). 

This year the cost for each child is $60 which includes pool entrance, bus fare, instruction, and hire of equipment.  Invoice have already been emailed and payment is due by 10 June 2024.


A medical certificate must be produced and an exemption form completed if your child is unable to attend lessons. 


2024 Materials and Services Fees 

Material and Services fees are now due.  Payment plans can be arranged, and available from the front office. 


Are you eligible for school card?  Forms are available from the front office, or you can apply online HERE.  Applications must be submitted yearly.


Statements will come home shortly.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to either email or call 84435544.

Micki Cooke

Business Manager