School News 


Week 4 Update

As we move into Term 2 further, the cold weather has started to arrive (hopefully some wet weather soon), and we could like to remind all families that all students need to be in full school uniform. 


In Term 2, the uniform shop will be open on a Wednesday afternoon from 3pm to 4:30pm.


For your convenience, you can order school uniforms on the website and Christine will fill the orders, if you are unable to collect them on Wednesday afternoon, the order will be left in the front office.

National Volunteer Week 

This week it is National Volunteer Week. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers for the value that they add to our wonderful school and we look forward to having you involved with the school further as we continue to host community events.


This Friday morning we have invited our amazing volunteers to an acknowledgement morning tea. We are looking forward to connecting with all our volunteers.

Parent & Caregiver Information Session 

LNPS will be hosting “Managing Big Feelings” - Supporting emotional regulation skills in the early years.                                            


The session will be hosted by Belinda Jankowiak and Kate Hubl Occupational Therapists from the Department for Education. 


They will be covering:

  • What is regulation and co-regulation?
  • Strategies to help you and your child remain calm and regulated.
  • How to respond to your children when they are experiencing big feelings.
  • Re-connecting with your child after big feelings.

Where: Lockleys North Primary School

When: Week 8, Mon 17th June 2024

Time: 9.30-10.30am (please sign in at front office 9.15 for a 9.30 sharp start)



This will be an amazing opportunity to learn from experts in this field who have also been collaborating with our Reception Teachers. 


2025 Enrolments Open 

Registrations of Interest for enrolling your child in 2025 are now being accepted.

Please contact us regarding Registration of Interest forms or download one from our website

Please phone Tarah on 84435544 for further information.



Mirjana, Tyson and Nik