Academic Success

Outstanding Efforts
Samples of amazing student work can be seen in the slides below! Amazing work!
Hard at work in Auslan
Leadership isn't only about big events like end of year awards or making speeches; its also about teaching our principal Andrew Arney how to sign "thanks". It's about designing, planning out and making our new flat handshape village. Ayisha, Malak and Salma take their language learning seriously, and, know how to have fun with it. Couldn't have done this without their drive, determination and dedication to making the school better and better - it's amazing to see these young women aspire together!
A room is not just somewhere we work but a stimulating, welcoming environment that meets our desire to work, rest ( brain break, the equivalent of an adult getting a coffee)and play. We've made sure that Auslan in ML7 is always top notch and we expect the best from our junior school students. Special shout out goes to Zanab, Su'ad, Salma, Malak and Amira for having a big input into design and function of room. Their professionalism is reflected everywhere in ML7.
Miss Heulwen