Attendance Matters 

School is better when you are here!

2025 goal is to decrease the average number of absence days per student to 20.

Do I have to go to school?

Yes, in Victoria everyone aged from 6 – 17 has to go to school. 

Missing one day a fortnight is the same as missing 4 whole weeks of school a year.

From Foundation to Year 12 that adds up to 1.5 years of school! 

School is better when you attend. Your friends and your teachers notice that you are away and wonder if you are OK. 

Why is important that i go to school every day?

Right now, being at school is the most important thing you need to do for your future. School helps you build good habits for later on in life. You might think school is just about Maths and English but you’re also learning about how to work with other people and how to solve problems. 

Being at school every day also means you are becoming more independent as a learner and interacting with your friends and teachers. If you are at school you can get help from your teachers and friends and won’t have to try to learn things in your own time. 

Being an adult probably seems far away but we know that young people who attend school more frequently have better outcomes after school too. This means they earn more money, have better job opportunities and are generally healthier. So being at school really does make a difference! 


For more information, please see the flyer attached.