Principal Class News

Cross Country Wrap Up

What a fantastic day our Cross Country was!  It was certainly a scorcher, but the kids did such a fantastic job running the course, dodging the rabbit holes and pacing themselves to finish such a long distance!  I was so impressed!  It was wonderful to see the amazing amount of parents who came out to cheer on their kids.  I know taking time away from work and other committments can be challenging, but I know the kids loved it!  Mrs Curtois did a fantastic job, along with Mr Corcoran and Mrs Halket with setting up for the day!  It was all done when I arrived at school at 7.50am!  I can't wait for our two Athletics Days to be part of the excitement, sportsmanship and individual challenge in each event!  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Term Calendar- Coming Soon

We are looking at putting together a term calendar of events for Term 2, to support families with preparing for what is coming, if there are special dress days, special lunch days etc.  We will be getting this out to families in Week 9 in the Newletter, so keep an eye out for this!

Annual Privacy Reminder for our School Community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. 

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages. 


Picking Students Up Early

A reminder that, if your child is coming in late, or being picked up early, they need to be signed out at the office.  If you message teachers to let them know that you will be picking your child up early for the day, please also email the school email so that the office can coordinate bag collection etc. 

Confidentiality of Students

Please note that we will never speak to you about consequences given to students who are not your child.   As you would wish for your child not to be discussed with others, we will will ensure the confidentiality of every student. This is part of the Child Safety expectations.   Please do not ask us to do so, as refusal may offend.  Please know that we follow our school policies, Behaviour Matrix and Consequence Flowcharts and ensure that all parties are able to give their side to the issues.  This can take days depending on how many students are involved.  If you are concerned about any disciplinary issues, please speak to your child's teacher, or to Karen Halket, Assistant Principal (Wellbeing).

Who do I talk to?

Wellbeing, Discipline, OH&S, Policies- Karen Halket

Curriculum Concerns- Alicia Papadopoulos

Wellbeing- Rhianna Hamilton

Additional Needs of Students and potential funding- Nichola Allen

Concerns about ES staff- Joanne Clarke

Concerns about Teachers- Cate McKenzie

2nd Hand Uniform- PFA

Fundraising and being a helper- PFA

Student Progress- Classroom Teachers

IEP/SSG meetings- Nichola Allen

Early Pick Up- Office and Class Teacher

School Council- Any school council parent rep

Payment plans for camps etc- Monique Hunt

Dates for your Diary

Foundation Meet & Greet- Thursday 6th March

Labour Day- Monday 10th March

NAPLAN (Gr 3 & 5)- 12-20th March

House Aths (Gr 3-6)- Friday 21st March

School Photos- Monday 24th March

Junior House Aths- Friday 4th April

End of Term 1- Friday 4th April- 2.30pm finish

Tuesday 22nd pril- Start of Term 2

Curriculum Day- Friday 6th June

Curriculum Day- Monday 4th August

Student Free Day- Thursday 11th September

Curriculum Day- Monday 8th December


Have a great weekend,
