Mr. Justin Matt (Principal)

Mr. Brad Vallance (Assistant Principal)

Mr. Josh Willersdorf (Assistant Principal)

Principal’s Year in Review: A Year of Growth, Engagement, and Achievement


As we close out another inspiring year at our school, I am delighted to share the exceptional progress and achievements we have collectively reached. This year held special significance as it was also a review year, where our community came together to reflect on our successes and map out the new 4 year strategic plan.


Our 2024 Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) results tell a story of resilience, dedication, and shared purpose among students, staff, and community. We are proud to see significant growth, with 16 out of 22 key indicators showing positive endorsement gains of 10% or more over the previous year’s results. This improvement is a testament to the hard work of our entire school community, making our environment a place where every student can thrive.


Highlights of Our Growth

Some of our most notable progress has been in key areas central to both learning and well-being:

  • Effective Classroom Behaviour: Positive endorsement rose from 44% in 2021 to 60% in 2024.
  • Stimulating Learning: We moved from 32% positive endorsement in 2021 to 57% in 2024, reflecting our commitment to engaging students actively in their learning.
  • Effective Teaching Time: Up from 45% in 2021 to 63% in 2024, highlighting a focused and enriching learning environment.
  • High Expectations: 76% of students now positively endorse this area, a significant increase from 58% in 2021.
  • Managing Bullying: We saw positive endorsement improve from 29% in 2021 to 53% in 2024, underscoring our emphasis on maintaining a safe, supportive environment.

Our school has embedded a calm and safe learning environment that enables teaching and learning to flourish. The introduction of our “Check-In Teacher” program has been positive, providing students with a pastoral care-focused teacher who meets with them daily. This role has become a critical link between students and our school’s broader well-being services, giving each student a key advocate and a sense of connection within our school. We are also proud of our Resilience Project, further fostering a supportive environment for all.


The importance of cultural inclusion has been improved by our Koorie Connect worker and the completion of Stronger, Smarter and SPIKE training by school leaders. This, alongside the development of our Cultural Action Plan, has improved our ability to make connections with our Koorie students, families, and the wider community, enriching our school’s cultural awareness.


Our Sports Academy has quickly become a highlight of our co-curricular offerings. Focusing on pathways in AFL and basketball, the program has already positively impacted both student attendance and engagement. This academy is only part of a broader focus on diverse career and pathway opportunities, with our careers program now spanning Years 7-12 and an expanded Work Experience program reaching Year 9.


Meanwhile, our Year 7 Hub has proven to be a crucial transition space, supporting our newest students with a home base that fosters connection and comfort as they adjust to secondary school life. The Transition Leader’s engagement with local primary schools has equipped us with valuable insights, enabling a seamless and welcoming transition.

Our instructional model, with learning intentions and success criteria, has laid the foundation for a structured yet flexible learning environment. Lessons now begin with clear goals, followed by guided, independent, and collaborative learning phases, culminating in a check for understanding and reflection on learning objectives. This approach has enriched classroom engagement and empowered students to take active roles in their education.


Student leadership has grown stronger, evident in all major school events, from assemblies and award nights to community outreach initiatives. Our Student Representative Council has taken the lead on impactful fundraising activities, such as the Big Freeze, and programs like the Yarning Circle provide a space for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to connect and lead.


While student feedback highlighted that there is room to increase student agency in classroom learning, we are excited about the potential for more student involvement in curriculum design and classroom experiences. We look forward to building on this foundation in the coming year, encouraging our students to take on even greater roles in shaping their educational journey.


Our co-curricular programs have also been a source of pride and community connection. Highlights of the year included the snow camp, sports competitions, and creative arts events, such as the Reddy Set Show. These activities strengthen students' ties to the school and the broader community, making school life enriching and memorable.


This year, we were thrilled to see a slight increase in our Year 12 median study score compared to last year, a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our graduating class. We are incredibly proud of our dux Samantha Cox and the example she set for her peers. Additionally, our enrolment numbers for Year 7 have steadily increased over the past few years, a testament to the positive reputation and strong community connections our school continues to build.


Our awards night was another highlight, with an impressive number of students recognized for their achievements. It was a privilege to celebrate these successes alongside our Year 12 graduating class of 2024, making the evening a truly special occasion for all.


As we move forward, we celebrate these milestones with a commitment to continued growth and innovation. The achievements of this year affirm our shared vision of creating a school where every student feels valued, supported, and inspired. Thank you to our incredible staff, supportive families, and dedicated students for their hard work, resilience, and enthusiasm.


Together, we are building a school environment that not only meets high expectations but also nurtures resilient, compassionate, and successful citizens - our leaders of tomorrow


Mr. Justin Matt, 

Executive Principal