Year 1/2 Learning Community News
The grade two's have been learning about poetry, and we wrote our own poems about our favourite outside game. Students have been writing about jumping, netball, hide and seek and soccer.
In spelling, the grade two's have been learning about the sound 'le' as in bubble, cuddle and muddle.
In Term 4, we have started a book club called 'Read all about it!'' and this is when we, the students, get to form our own reading groups and choose our own books! Once we finish reading, we use reciporcal reading to check that we have understood the book.
Grade 1 Activity Night
On the grade 1activity night we were playing a game of 'Cat and Mouse'. We made a cookie with some sprinkles and we had pizza for dinner with a juice box! - Dongyu 1/2B
Sun Smart
To be sun smart you need to wear a hat and sun screen. Remember your hats! -Lenny 1/2B