
Service Culture








Welcome to the new section of the Grammar News. While service is not new to our school, this will be a space to celebrate our school’s service culture and philosophy. We will shine a light on the wonderful students and community members that are living out our school service values.

We will share all aspects of service in the school from faith and Christian Orthodox values, local and global community examples of charity, examples of giving skills and talents to service others, through our MYP IB programme and many more. We will also share service as action and community project stories part of the Middle School Pastoral Program from students themselves.


Oakleigh Grammar’s service philosophy is inspired by the lives of our patron Saints Cosmas and Damian who used their talents in medicine to serve the needs of the community and those in need. 


Service shines and provide light to our community and just like a tree or a flow, by nurturing and supporting we can watch a seed grow into something rich and inspiring!


Service as action program launch to students

Throughout this term, Year 6, 7, and 8 students at Oakleigh Grammar have participated in collaborative sessions to explore the concept of service as it relates to the Middle Years Program (MYP). This initiative is in partnership with our Pastoral program and community opportunities, forming a key framework for 2024.



Introducing Service Logbooks

Year 6, 7, and 8 students have received their service logbooks to kickstart their program. Each cohort focuses on different aspects of service, encouraging students to leverage their skills, talents, and passions to contribute to the community. The Service as Action brochure, attached to this post, highlights the service pathways across Middle School.

  • Year 6 - 'Disadvantage': Students develop empathy by researching and advocating for people in the community who require support or are less fortunate. Each student completes 10 hours of service.
  • Year 7 - 'Wellbeing, Community, and Me': Students engage with issues involving community welfare and actively work to make a difference. Each student completes 10 hours of service.
  • Year 8 - 'Community, Communication, and Voice': Students become advocates for themselves and others, completing 15 hours of service.


Logging Service Hours

Students across all three-year levels will be logging service hours in Terms 3 and 4. Those who achieve their full hours will receive a certificate of completion. We encourage everyone to involve students in various helpful activities, such as assisting with displays or rubbish collection (not related to detentions).

A full list of service opportunities is available in the logbooks (see photo example)

Let's foster a spirit of service and community at Oakleigh Grammar! Together, we can create a positive impact and inspire our students to continue their service journeys.



Year 9 Community Project Students Shine in Junior School Production

We are thrilled to share that three Year 9 students with a passion for theatrical productions had a wonderful opportunity to join the crew for the Junior School Production of The Wind in the Willows as part of their Year 9 Community Project. Working alongside teachers, peers and industry professionals from “Your Show,” these students acquired valuable skills in sound, audio, and lighting control. They successfully completed two technical rehearsals and three live performances using professional staging equipment.


Student Reflections:

Ezra shared, “I found it a new experience and rewarding.”

Vasia expressed her enthusiasm, saying, “Working on the community project was fun as I got to talk to the Junior School kids, learn new things, and be a part of something I’m passionate about (productions). I worked as the audio and visual person, ensuring that all the audio cues were on at the right time, if they were looping, doing the backdrops, and lots more. I enjoyed being a part of the successful production as I learned many things such as time management, how to do the audio, and lots more. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity I got.


For the future, my goal is for our Year 7-11’s of 2025 to produce a musical. My thoughts on which ones are Mamma Mia! or Grease. This will be successful by doing fundraisers, raffles, talking to Mr. Dickinson, and many others.”


George shared he was excited to be part of the show and hope to act and perform one day.


Excitingly, Vasia, Ezra, and George are planning to pitch ideas for a musical next year, using their newly gained skills to develop our creative culture at Oakleigh Grammar.

The supportive teachers and mentors are welcoming their continued contribution, and we hope more students will join in the fun!


Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved in our vibrant performing arts community!



Year 9 Community Project 

This term students developed their ideas, investigated and planned their projects. In term 3, Students will start their Taking Action phase of the project.


Look out for the Community Project Exhibition in the library on the 12th September 2024 to celebrate the wonderful community minded projects year 9 developed.


Group Snapshot - Gardening for Neighbours

One commendable community project that exemplifies the spirit of service is “Growing Vegetables for the Wellbeing of Seniors.” This initiative aims to enhance the wellbeing of seniors by providing them with fresh vegetables, promoting healthy eating habits.


Project Goals:

  • Ensure Wellbeing of Seniors: Deliver fresh, home-grown vegetables to senior citizens to support their nutritional needs.
  • Promote Healthy Eating: Encourage seniors to incorporate more fresh produce into their diets.
  • Foster Community Connections: Strengthen bonds between students and the senior community through regular interactions and support.

Key Activities:

  • Vegetable Cultivation: Students have been actively involved in planting, nurturing, and harvesting various vegetables.
  • Distribution: The harvested vegetables are distributed to senior citizens within the community.
  • Educational Outreach: Students educate seniors on the benefits of fresh produce and provide tips on incorporating vegetables into their meals.

Student Reflections:

  • “Our goal is to ensure the wellbeing of seniors by providing fresh vegetables to them for healthy eating. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the smiles on their faces when we deliver the vegetables.” 


  • Health Benefits: Seniors have access to fresh, nutritious vegetables, which can improve their overall health and wellbeing.
  • Community Engagement: This project will foster a sense of community and mutual respect between the students and seniors.
  • Skill Development: Students will develop valuable skills in gardening, project management, and community service.

Through dedication and hard work, our students are making a meaningful difference in the lives of our senior citizens, promoting health, happiness, and community spirit.


Can’t wait to share more with the community soon.



Inneke Smit

MYP Service Coordinator