The IB Middle Years Programme

MYPC Farewell








As I prepare to bid farewell to this wonderful school and its vibrant community, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey I have experienced over the past five years. 


Serving as the OG International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) coordinator has been a high point in my career. Our small yet dynamic school has been a place of learning for me, learning about the Greek-Australian identity, Hellenism, experiencing the beauty of our church, watching our school transform into a multi-cultural campus, the joy of our first school production, and welcoming new staff to the IB programme has been an immensely rewarding experience for me. 

Together, the OG staff and students have navigated the challenges and celebrated the triumphs that come with fostering an environment of inquiry, knowledge, and international-mindedness. It has been a privilege to work with students to learn about their birth languages (photo above) and witness our students grow into thoughtful, compassionate, and globally-aware individuals, ready to make a positive impact on the world. The development of the Year 9 community Project and the service and action programme will further enhance our reputation as caring members of the local, national and global community. (See photo below). 



As I embark on a new chapter of my professional journey as Vice Principal of Academics at a school in Shenzhen, China, I carry with me the lessons and experiences that have enriched my time here. While the transition is bittersweet, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the academic growth of a new international community.


My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for making these past five years truly unforgettable, especially 6A for being such an exciting class of learners and 9B for being typical teens but very loveable young people. 




Melissa Fitzgerald

IB MYP Coordinator 



Introduction to the ‘Service’ section of Grammar News








The new service section of the Grammar News has been launched to shine light on the wonderful students and community members that are living out our school service values. While service is not new to our school, this will be a space to celebrate our school’s service culture and philosophy. 


Service shines and provides light to our community and just like a tree or a flow, by nurturing and supporting we can watch a seed grow into something rich and inspiring!


To see the recent examples of how our community value service, take a look at the new service section.


Inneke Smit 

MYP Service Coordinator