It has been truly inspiring to witness the development of our philosophy artwork throughout the term, as it is now prominently displayed in the ELC. The ELC teaching team, students, parents and the broader school community all contributed their thoughts and illustrations to express their vision and principles, forming a collective vision for our learning community. This will guide us in revising our centre’s philosophy statement, and we are excited to share it with you in the near future. 


We have concluded term two by hosting learning journey evenings for each class. Families were invited to join us at the ELC to witness our play-based curriculum in action, explore their child’s learning journal, and spend quality time in the classroom with teachers and other families. We sincerely appreciate your commitment in attending this invaluable experience with your child.


Here are some important reminders for term three:

Kindly remember to pack a warm coat and hat for outdoor play throughout term three.

Please ensure you have access to the Xplor App and update your email if necessary, to ensure that you receive all ELC communications.


Wishing you a safe and restful winter break!


Katarina Hills

Director of Early Learning Centre 


K4C - "Tell 'Em"

K4C students were reading the book “Tell 'em” written by aboriginal children and their teachers at a school in the Northern Territory. The book tells the world about these children. It tells about their school, their country, their hobbies, how they get their food, etc. The children in my group became very interested in this story and asked for it to be read several times more. It led to lots of discussions about what it tells us about the children and how they were the same or different from us. Noah then said to the group “We should make a book about us, and we can send it to them” and so it began. The children were asked to think about what they would like to tell them. Over several days each child had the opportunity to come up with what they wanted to say and then to draw a picture to support it. We soon had a book and there was great excitement as we sat down to story time, and I read them their own book. Written and illustrated by them and about them. When completed the book will be bound and sent to the children who started us on this journey. We hope that they enjoy it as much as we did.




Lyn Owen

ELC Teacher