Middle School







As we conclude Term 2, we reflect on what has been a busy and rewarding term. Students have been on camps, begun Community Projects, Year 9s sat their first exams, incursions, expos, sporting finals and everything in between! These holidays provide an important break for our students (and staff) to rest and recuperate, setting themselves up for a successful Semester 2. 


Year 6 recently went on their camp to Toolangi which provided an opportunity for them to take risks, step outside of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. With activities such as abseiling, billy cart making, high ropes course and flying fox, there was much excitement to be had, even whilst braving the cold, foggy days of the Yarra Valley. Students were proud of their achievements and the new skills they learnt along the way. 


Earlier in the year, our students completed the annual Resilient Youth Survey. This survey asks a variety of questions around schooling, wellbeing and everyday habits. Overall, the results are positive and provide valuable information on how particular year levels are feeling, our school in general and how cohorts track over time. This data is then used to align with our pastoral programs and address any issues of concern across the Middle School or in certain year levels. 


Two points that continue to flag, albeit improving, is the use of devices overnight and lack of sleep; unsurprisingly, the two go hand in hand. The impact of devices on sleep is well documented, with not only providing a distraction and therefore, not going to sleep at a reasonable hour, but also the effect of blue light on melatonin and the ability to fall and stay asleep.  It is highly recommended that students do not have devices in their bedrooms overnight, to promote productive and routine sleep patterns. I dare say, we as adults, could also most likely improve in this area also! 


I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank our students and staff on a wonderful Term 2, with much success had. May you all have a restful and safe holiday break. 


Ashlee Scott

Middle School Pastoral Coordinator