From the Principal's Desk

Student Reports

It is heading into that time of year again when teachers provide feedback to parents/carers and students about student progress via a written report. The report will provide information on your child’s strengths and next steps in learning, as well as a student self-reflection (Stages 2 and 3) where students reflect on their learning goals. The reports will be made available via the COMPASS portal for all students on Monday. 


At the beginning of next term, time will be made available for parents to discuss their child's report for those that want to.


High School Musical

On Thursday, Stage 2 and 3 students have the opportunity to watch Armidale Secondary College's High School Musical performance. Community members can also attend the show (at other times) by purchasing a ticket via the flyer below.

Mini Olympics

Martin's Gully students will have the opportunity to represent a country at our own mini-Olympics on Friday 5th July. The event will start at 12.00 noon with a break for lunch. Parents are welcome to visit throughout the afternoon.


A reminder that the P&C AGM will be held this Friday, 1.00pm in the MPC.

Assembly - Stage 1

Our final assembly for the term will be held on Friday.   Stage 1 will be presenting.  The assembly will start at 12.30pm.

Odd Socks Day

Friday 5th July will be a mufti day - theme Odd Socks.  The SRC are asking for a gold coin donation that they will donate to a charity.

Staff Development Day

A reminder that Friday 5th July is the last day of term.  Students return to school on Tuesday 23rd July.  Monday 22nd July is a staff development day.

One off excursion payment

Reminders have been sent out to those families that have still not paid this fee. Remember this is the only fee we charge you for the whole year and it covers all incursions and excursions. 






An Upstander is someone who sees a problem and takes action.

  • An upstander does not join in when someone is being picked on or bullied. Instead an upstander gets help from a trusted adult and supports the child being picked on in walking away. 
  • Sometimes they even stand up to the person being mean themselves. 
  • PAX leaders are UPSTANDERS!
  • Becoming an upstander is courageous. It shows everyone that there are people out there who can and will do the right thing. 
  • It also shows the mean kids or bullies that their actions and behaviours are not acceptable. 
  • An upstander treats everyone with kindness, fairness and respect.
  • Watch: 

The OPPOSITE of and Upstander is a bystander.

  • A bystander is someone who knows that something is happening, but does nothing to stop it. 
  • Bystanders often join in, or laugh at what is happening to avoid peer rejection or getting picked on or bullied themselves. 
  • Going from being a bystander to being an upstander may take time.



WeekKinderYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6School
Week 198.3%94.2%97.5%98.5%96.6%97.6%94.2%96.6%
Week 295.0%90.8%92.9%94.6%97.6%96.5%95.9%94.8%
Week 387.9%92.7%84.1%85.0%87.7%90.5%87.6%88.9%
Week 490.00%94.7%83.9%93.2%87.4%94.4%85.8%89.7%
Week 593.8%90.7%88.2%92.7%88.2%88.6%82.7%89.0%
Week 694.5%87.8%88.1%87.8%86.7%90.5%83.1%88.2%
Week 797.1%94.1%96.1%99.9%93.6%87.4%88.7%93.6%
Week 896.8%95.9%95.5%95%85.8%95%89%92.9%



Dates for your calendar: 

This calendar of events will be updated and published each week.  Some events may change, so please access the latest version.


Week 9

Thursday 27th June - High School Musical - Armidale Secondary College - Years 3-6

Friday 28th June - Stage 2 soccer gala day

Friday 28th June - Assembly – Stage 1 presenting

Friday 28th June - P&C AGM


Week 10 

Friday 5th July -  Odd Sock Day/Mufti Day - gold coin donation

                             - NAIDOC Celebrations Kinder and Stage 1

                            -  Mini Olympics afternoon (K-6)

                            -  P&C Lunch Order 

                           –  Last day of Term 2




Ian Reeves
