Independence Centre
What a great last week of Term 2 we have had in the Independence Centre!
On Monday, classrooms were buzzing with excitement as students couldn't wait to display their work from our Guided Inquiry unit this term. Our Guided Inquiry Eras Museum showcased investigations of history related to animal adaptations, space, transport and technology and important events. Thank you to all families who were able to attend and engage with lots of different students to find out about their learning. We were so proud of the creativity shown in the diverse range of artefacts students made and their curiosity to learn about their chosen topics.
Thank you to all families for a wonderful Term 2. We hope you all have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing everyone back in Term 3.
Sam Kirby, Ros Walker, Meg Jordanov, Brooke Henwood, Kathy Wang and Katrina Chooi
We look forward to a super busy Term 3. Here are some dates for your calendar!
- Week 1-2: Water Safety Swimming Program
- Week 3: Mount Pleasant's Got Talent (Monday 29th July)
- Week 4: Disco Day (Friday 9th August - stay tuned for dress up theme)
- Week 5: Indonesian Day (Thursday 15th August - students may wear merah and putih or traditional Indonesian attire)
- Week 6: Book Week Parade (Friday 23rd August - dress as your favourite character)
- Week 10: Footy Colours Day (Friday 20th August - dress in your team colours or uniform from your favourite sporting team)