Leadership Centre
What a fantastic and quick term the Leadership Centre has had! This week, we presented our Guided Inquiry Diorama project, researching the UN Sustainable Goals. It was great to see all the creativity and teamwork our 5/6s demonstrated during this inquiry.
In English, we have started to explore information reports, conducting valuable research and learning about appropriate sites to ensure our research is valuable and relevant.
Furthermore, this week, the 5/6s had their athletics day! It was wonderful to see all the seniors excited and energetic, demonstrating school spirit. This day provided an opportunity for students to showcase their athletic abilities and support their peers.
Finally, the Leadership Centre would like to say a BIG farewell to Mr. Shaw, who has been such an important part of the school. We wish Mr. Shaw luck in his new job and hope he makes as big of an impact in his new school as he has done at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School.
Have a great holiday,
The Leadership Centre Teachers
Student Voice
- I have enjoyed the fun outside school activities such as the Swimming carnival, Athletics day, and winter and summer Gala Day. It was a great experience to do new things. I also loved creating big projects and presenting them to our school community, I hope we can do more next semester - Kitraa S 5/6C
- I have enjoyed attending the Gala day, the dome science incursion, and Athletics day! I got 2nd place in the 100m sprints!- Annie H 5/6C
- I have enjoyed winter gala day and cooking during kitchen/garden! - Tilly N 5/6C
- I have enjoyed participating in the Athletics day, I really loved High jump and improving my skills. - Aashvi S 5/6C
- Tissue box donations (A big thanks to those that have donated already)
- Warm clothing for the colder weather - Labelled clearly with first & last name
- Please check that your child has permission to participate in the swimming program during weeks 1 and 2 of term 3