Specialist Classes

Over the last few weeks in STEM, all the students at St. Pat’s have been revisiting the Engineering Design Process (EDP). They have looked at each of the different parts - Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test and Improve. Both the Junior and Senior students have then had to follow the EDP to complete a project using either Bee Bots or Lego Education Kits.
The Junior students had to design their own Bee Bot mat with a set theme ie; the mouse is trying to get the cheese, the fish is trying to get to the fish bowl, bird is trying to get to the nest, etc. Then they had to transfer their Bee Bot mat design onto the classroom Bee Bot mat. These photos are of some of the F-2 students playing different students bee bot mats.
F-2 students have been creating some textile donuts. After painting a paper plate they then used felt, buttons, wool, beads and other textile items to create their donut and make it look realistic. They then had to write a description of their donut.
3-6 students have been developing their sewing skills and designed and sewed some incredible felt lollipops. Lots of sewing techniques and skills have been used to create them and the students all did an incredible job. How delicious is our art lately!
Students in F-2 have made some comparisons between two pictures books in Italian highlighting the days of the week, foods and numbers. Also students are learning to respond to basic questions in Italian like Ti piace la mela? (Do you like the apple?) Si or No.
Grades 3-6 are continuing to develop their language skills in having a basic conversation with a partner. This week they collected six stationery items from the classroom and their partner had to guess the items, asking “Hai una gomma?” (Do you have an eraser?). Their partner had to respond No or Ecco Qui (here it is). Well Done on a terrific effort everyone!
We have been working hard at St Patrick's as we have been playing so much sport!
The 3/4 classes went to their Winter sports day last week and played amazingly! They had a tough it out in the cold but they worked as a team and tried their hardest! It was great to hear such positive feedback about the future leaders of the school!
We also had a team of students represent the school playing AFL this week. We were all nervous for them but they trained hard building up to the day. Special mention to Mitch for coming to coach the group. Everyone came back to school very happy and even returned with a win! Go team!
The very first athletics carnival for St Patrick's was on Friday and it was a HUGE success!! This is mainly because of all of the wonderful volunteers, so a very big THANK YOU! The day ran so smoothly and the rain held off which was perfect. Everyone had smiles on their faces and were encouraging each other which was so nice to see. Well done to all of the amazing athletes as I am very proud of all of your effort!