Community Care and Connection

Winter Wonderland Karaoke Night
Feel like a night out filled with fun and laughter... while at the same time supporting a worthwhile cause? Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Para Vista is hosting a Winter Wonderland Karaoke / Dance night on Saturday 10th August at 7:30pm in the church hall. All proceeds from the evening will be going to Lutheran Care Family Zone.
Tickets: Adults $10, U15 free.
Contact Georgie or purchase them from the church office on or before Friday 9th August. (Numbers limited to 140 due to license restrictions.) See flyer for details.
Winter Warmer Mum's Night
Mums of Good Shepherd you are invited to the Sunflowers and slippers painting night. A night to chat, connect and create! Please see the below flyer for details.
KAPS - Save the date!
Our next get together is just after Week One, Sunday 28th July. We are making pizzas and having a movie afternoon!
Please note the time: 4-7pm (slightly longer to allow time for pizza making, worship and movie!)
Pop it in your diaries now!
Rachel and Georgie