

It has been a busy term for the Wellbeing Team at Pilgrim. We held our first Wellbeing Day for the year where Farmer Darcy's Travel Farm came for a visit and students had a great time interacting with the animals. We also had a friendship focus with a number of activities used from the Friendology program. 


The Fathering Project event, Christmas in May Movie and Pizza Night saw a great turn out of Pilgrim fathers and father figures. This event was held in the Performing Arts Centre, with the movie Journey to Bethlehem shown. The weeks following had many of the children singing the songs from what was an enjoyable musical film. 


Brett Middleton

Wellbeing Team


During Semester 1, Pilgrim rolled out the Friendology, URStrong program for staff and students. Some of the highlights of the program so far have included our Friendology themed Wellbeing Day, students feeling empowered to have positive relationships and my personal favourite has included some Year 6 leaders assisting with managing friendship fires during play time. 


Classes who have not yet begun a Friendology unit, will be commencing one in Term 3. We look forward to growing as a community of friendship ninjas. Please connect to the parent portal (link below) where Friendology membership is free. This is a great resource for growing in social and emotional learning as a family and a wider school community.



Jordan Wheatcroft

Wellbeing Team

Lola our Wellbeing Dog 

This term has been an eventful one for Lola, a term filled with learning opportunities.

She has followed her very own working timetable while sporting a very smart looking jacket.


Various staff and teachers have been taking Lola into their spaces for relational development. The more comfortable Lola is with various staff, the more comfortable she will feel in their classrooms. I have been receiving many entertaining selfies with Lola from various staff, they are able to be seen on The Lola Board near the Front Office.


Lola has even managed a few classroom visits with the Year 3 - 6s. The students did a wonderful job to ensure Lola experienced success in these situations. 


Next term Lola will continue developing relationships with teachers and hopefully widen her scope in classroom visits to include some of the younger year levels.


Carol Harry

Wellbeing Team