Student Learning

News from our Technologies Hub 

This semester, the Technologies Hub has been buzzing with excitement! Our journey began with understanding Digital Footprints and how to navigate the Internet safely. We've explored how networks are created and how they function, and we've had fun programming Edison Robots with our own algorithms. Creativity took the spotlight as we designed innovative garden tools and learned about sustainability and the role of managed farms in producing food and fibre sustainably. Using this knowledge, we designed our own sustainable products to support food and fibre production.

In a thrilling venture, we designed managed farms to explore using VR headsets, and we brought book characters to life by 3D printing them to share with our younger buddies. We also cultivated vegetables and flowers in our Friendship Garden and recently celebrated our first harvest—fresh radishes! It has been very exciting to discover where food comes from and how great it tastes when it’s homegrown.

Teaching Digital and Design Technologies to primary students is vital for their future. It helps them become comfortable with technology and enhances their critical and creative thinking through the Design Thinking Process. These hands-on experiences empower children to tackle problems innovatively and express themselves artistically. They learn to use technology safely and responsibly, which prepares them for future careers and helps them adapt to new technologies. Digital tools make learning engaging and accessible, fostering teamwork and critical and creative thinking. These skills are crucial for their success in our ever-changing world.


I look forward to seeing your child continue to explore and flourish in the Technologies Hub.


Libby Spencer

Year 3/4S Class Teacher & Technologies Teacher

Flourish Enrichment Program 

Students thoroughly enjoyed our lunchtime and recess Flourish Enrichment activities throughout Weeks 7, 8, and 9 of this term. Offerings included pastel and paint sessions, knitting, cooking, learning songs to lead at Worship, and mastering Bananagrams. The next blocks of Flourish Enrichment will take place in Weeks 2 to 5 and Weeks 7 to 9 of Term 3, featuring an exciting array of new activities. Keep an eye out for the enrolment email in the first week back next term to sign up your child!

Premier's Reading Challenge 

What is the Challenge?


The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to:

  • Encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading
  • Improve literacy levels.

The Challenge requires students to read 12 books between the beginning of the school year and early September.


The end of the Premier's Reading Challenge is less than 80 days away.


While there is still time to get your recording sheets in, if you haven’t started, please see your class teacher for a new recording sheet. The upcoming July holidays would be a great time to find somewhere warm and snuggle up with a book. Your local library, op shops or your own bookshelves are great places to find new and interesting reading material, or you could even consider borrowing books from a friend.


Thank you to all those students who have already handed in their recording sheets. 


If you have a child starting Foundation in Term 3, your child is also eligible for the first time to enter the Premier's Reading Challenge. See your class teacher for more details.


Happy reading, 


Libby Spencer

PRC Challenge Coordinator