School News & Events

School Values Awards

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 2, Week 9             

Belong: Malcolm

Explore: Levi

Flourish: Obie

Serve: Jemma

Belong and Blossom Playgroup 

Belong and Blossom occurs on Wednesday and Friday mornings during term time of school. We encourage you to register (please use the link below), so you can receive our weekly emails letting you know about the week ahead.


This is a time to connect with other parents and for your child to begin their connection with Pilgrim and some of the teachers in the Early Years team. We have story, craft and play times. We share fruit together and end our session with a story and some songs.


Musical 'The Peace Child' 

The school musical stands out as a highlight of our school year, involving every student. Many eagerly anticipate their Year 6 opportunity to take part, with graduating students often cherishing it as a fond memory. This past week, we were immensely proud of our students' outstanding performances in singing, dancing, and overall stage presence. Special congratulations to our Year 6 students, who truly shone! We understand this week demands much from families and sincerely appreciate your support.


Enrolments for 2025 

If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Foundation for 2025 (either Term 1 or midyear), please encourage them to contact Kristen Heath on 8270 3033 or by email, We currently have 27 students enrolled to start Foundation next year and we are considering starting a waiting list for further enrolments. It would be important for families to complete an application for enrolment as soon as possible to secure a placement for 2025.